
  • 133000498

    I drink by myself now. I tell myself, “It’s okay, it’s just one drink! Everybody enjoys a drink by themselves now and again.” But it’s not okay. I crave alcohol all the time. Like a whisper in my ear.

    I crave it, because I can’t stand the shit hole that is my life and everything that’s in it. Fuck you all. And fuck you especially.

  • 354226215

    I should not have had sex with you.

    But I don’t regret it.

  • 85950406

    i think Europeans are assholes. they wear stupid fuckin shoes, smell like bratwurst, and as far as i can tell they ALL drive like shit. confession dos: i had to spell check europeans because it got the red line under it, and all it did was capitalize the ‘e’….really? now your just nit pickin.

  • 182341798

    I keep living in a past because I have no way of knowing if you’re sorry.
    Bit if I knew… really knew for certain that you are, I might be able to find a way to move on. Help me. please.

  • 359423941

    Advice is my thing. I’ve been through it all. Hit me up. My email is [email protected]

  • 908317568

    i have precancerous cells, and i’m not even old enough to drink.

  • 31092026

    Now I know that I can hit a stranger.

  • 339864777

    Sometimes i wonder if we didnt meet somtime before that night long ago… Back when i lived in kansas… I know you looked at me funny once when kansas was mentioned… Perhaps you are the boy from across the back fence… Planting potatoes today made me think back that far

  • 204565169

    no one confesses on here without wanting it to be seen by the right person.

  • 877445253

    Why post your sex confessions on here? What’s the point, no one cares and it just hurts someone who reads it and thinks it’s for them. People really do suck.

  • 798665550

    I should’ve asked you for your number today out in the corridor, but I didn’t. I guess I was afraid that you would’ve just laughed at me or something. Besides, I doubt you would’ve wanted to text me anyway. Either way, I wish I would’ve had the courage to ask because now I’ll never know what you would’ve said. For what it’s worth, I really quite liked you. You were my type. I’m just honestly sorry that I didn’t believe enough in myself to ask for your number. I’ll miss you when I’m gone.


  • 287728109

    The first time we had sex wasn’t that great. It felt okay. I liked it and at certain points you could have made me cum if you kept going longer and harder but overall my immediate thought afterward was “That’s it?”

    I know you didn’t like it as much either…you said it was cause you hadn’t eaten in 24hrs for a blood test for diabetes and you got tired but really? You couldn’t even stay hard. And your penis is small!!

    I just don’t know though because you kept taking breaks saying you wanted to make it last but then you didn’t end up coming at all…neither of us did and it was kind of awkward.

  • 664213602

    I’m cheating on my boyfriend. On one hand it makes me feel justified because he’s the crappiest boyfriend I’ve ever had, he literally does not listen to me. He’s gotten too comfortable and he treats me like I’m his family or super close friend. So on the other hand I feel bad because he is a really good friend and I do believe he loves me.

    I’ve never lied to him till now…

    My Sancho? He’s got his pros and cons…

    He’s taller than me. I’m 5’9″ and although that might be average it’s still pretty tall and I’m either taller or as tall as my bf.
    He’s bigger than me and in a muscular way not a fat way; not ripped but thick and sturdy…very strong. I work in distribution so I’m athletically built and I don’t want the guy I’m with to be smaller than I am but I also don’t want a flabby fatso either so he’s the perfect size. I love how big his hands are!
    He’s undeniably sweet and kind. He claims he cares about me and gives excellent advice and insight.
    He’s incredibly smart, made a 1400 on his SATs
    He’s funny, yet he doesn’t try to be funny all the time, we can be serious.
    He turns me on by just wanting me, and he can go down on me like no one ever has it’s AMAZING
    Says he does not want a relationship, which is good because I want to be free of my bf and all that baggage and get my shit together before I start on my new one…I think I want a husband and I want it sometime before I’m 30.

    Major dilemma, his dick is small. Not tiny but too small for his size…or my size for that matter. I’m no fatty believe me, I’ve fit into the same clothes since 10th grade and I’m 25. But I like big dicks and his is not one of them
    He cannot finger me worth a damn…he honestly does not know how. I like my g-spot to be tickled and will literally buck if done right I love it so freaking much! My bf doesn’t know how to finger either…I thought this was basic stuff here.
    He’s got this thing about my ass…it’s big I guess for a white girl, I’ve been told I have and end-table ass, junk in the trunk, juicy, even apple-bottomed. He keeps trying to play with it which if I’m feeling frisky and it’s in the heat of the moment and I’m turned on I’ll allow it and actually like it but we just started sleeping together and I’m not THAT comfortable yet. I’ve only done anal twice and it’s not exactly my favorite.
    He’s 30 and divorced. More adult like than my bf, financially smart, but obviously still torn up about his wife and it’s been two years.
    He keeps saying he cares about me and that he wants me to just be happy, he’s even said he could see me being his girlfriend but I thought it was abundantly clear when he said “We’re just two friends enjoying each others company” that it was just friendly fucking, which I’m perfectly ok with if he would stop saying all that other crap.

    So my problem….and this is just to keep having sex with the guy….is it really worth all the cons to keep involving myself with this man?

    When I put it all out like this I know the answer is no. But it’s like really good heroin, it’s bad for me but I can’t seem to stop. I like him but I know I dont love him. Right now I really hate love.

  • 38685176

    I told myself I just wanted to talk to you again. Now that I have, I find myself falling for you again. I hope it works out, I miss the way it felt to see those big ass eyes you have first thing in the morning.

  • 43205979

    I’ve met a good amount of snotty people with PhDs, but you take the cake.

  • 977626214

    I”m having the hardest time getting over the anger and resentment of my husband’s emotional affair with another woman. It’s been a year and half…. we’ve ridden the roller coaster of emotions, gone to marital counseling for a year and decided we love each other and are going to make it work. So why can’t I shake loose of this anger?! I KNOW in my head I’ve got to let it go and move forward or I will destroy all of the wonderful progress that we’ve made. Our marriage is actually better than it’s ever been, but I still wallow in the pain in my head. I’m stuck and NEED to move forward…… what’s wrong with me?!?

  • 23613159

    Do you really know me?

  • 857097193

    I think I just inhaled a gnat. 🙁

  • 654816173

    and I wont let go.

  • 572183790

    My good friend’s husband hit on me today. I was stunned. I can’t tell her. I can’t tell my husband. So I’m telling you…