
  • 848888752

    Sometimes I try and make my farts last longer or make silly noises by squeezing my rectum

  • 480947046

    Gone back to my prescription pain pills… Things are difficult again. I cut myself today. He doesn’t love me like I love him so I did something cliche like cut my wrist. The scars remind me it’s real. Things are just so confusing right now. There’s no one to turn to so I’ll bottle it up and suck em back.

  • 656861486

    Trolling and sometimes paying for hookers is continually damaging my psyche. It seems I have a tough time getting quality females to talk to me and establish a connection. This leads to a bruised ego and pent up sexual frustration. Masterbating soothes me temporarily but it is less effective than it used to be. Proof is that I used approximately half of my income tax return on sex for pay related activities. No, I do not have any diseases, just a perpetually lonely existence.

  • 152275739

    I am really misunderstood by almost everyone.

  • 623209584

    I’m so exhausted hoping for this Taurean stud to make a move… I’m to scared to give up. I feel something. It takes two to create tension right? I need this Taurean boy to give it to me bad…I want to love him with my Scorpion love, smother the fuck out of him and make him content. All he has to do is make the first move, make me content first.

  • 655046488

    I’m so fucking screwed! My life is border line over. Someone help me.

  • 305347149

    Seems easy enough; turn off my computer and you’re out of my life forever. It’s not easy. I’m addicted to you…the perfect guy for me.

  • 632042217

    I’ve loved you for two damn years. For two years I’ve waited for you. And right when I give up…you do the most romantic, tender thing in the world…I have never been kissed so gently or tenderly in my life. I know you’re it for me. I’m hoping you see it too. I’ve waited so long…and it was so worth it.

  • 329266972

    I just had amazing sex with the man I love 🙂

    Life is good <3

  • 675784185

    i don’t want it this way. please give me another chance…. i miss you so much dear i just wish you wanted me in your life again that i could be positive for you. i care about you i want to be friends and know how you are.. please another chance

  • 788729558

    I’m convinced my “ex” wants to push me over the edge.

  • 475583454

    I should be so happy right now, and I suppose I am, but now I’m starting to wonder.

    I only have a limited time left now, and I want to spend that time with a boy I adore, but he’s so indifferent to me. It hurts. I hate how he’ll look over at me, and then just walk away and say nothing.

    I should have taken up on his offer when I had the chance. Yet I was too scared. So inexperienced.

    The funny part is that I know our relationship would have ended either because we’d eventually find we have nothing in common or that I was leaving to another state.

    Despite that, I would have enjoyed my time with him. I wouldn’t have been able to regret the love I genuinely had (have) for this boy.

    J.A. : you are a wonderful person, but you didn’t give me another chance.

    And now it ends before it is even ignited.

  • 571812987

    It’s been 7 months and I find myself still not being over you. Wtf is wrong with me. It’s not like we were even together that long. I guess I really fell for you 🙁

  • 287698778

    I saw my ex-girlfriend today. She’s crazy now. I fear that it’s my fault – that I pushed her over the brink of sanity and I am so ashamed I want to hurt myself.

  • 287502757

    i’m stupid. i’ve wasted every chance. every failure has brought me more pain and i never learn

  • 703092697

    thanks. thanks for reminding me of why men are such PIGS.
    a girl embarrasses herself in public by going on a stupid rant, you can see the stupidity leaking from the bullshit spewing from her mouth, and she gets a bunch of positive feedback from horny dogs wishing she’d turn eighteen already.

    they’d marry a girl just cause she’s hot.

    well you know what? i’d rather be alone for the rest of my life than marry a dumbass who’d go for a dumb bitch.

    plus i don’t need any more shit in my life. PIGS!!

  • 809192998

    I’m in love with a married woman. I’ve been her confidant, and she mine, since I was diagnosed with cancer. She’s in a terrible excuse of a marriage where her husband ignores her. I wish I had the courage to tell her to leave him for me.

  • 947077035

    I hope the world really does end in 2012.

  • 258200726

    How could I have been so careless to give my heart to you?

  • 995814765

    Where are youtonight? I am really hurting. I know you would understand, but I am just too afraid to talk to you. I am scared of losing you completely. Please, not yet. I still need you. I love you.