
  • 250321477

    I’m really sorry. I know you hate your name. I didn’t mean to. It just slipped out. I love you. I understand if you’re angry with me. v_v

  • 263996159

    I really want to drink, but I can’t. I feel incredibly alone right now when I look out the window and see all the kids below.

  • 85003419

    i asked a boy to make out with me even though i have a boyfriend because this boy is hotter and after we did he sucked on my breasts and said that it was awesome because now that he sucked on my boobs he gets full permission to look at my cleavage whenever he wants. i didnt know that was a rule but i said sure i guess. he takes complete advantage of it. even if i am walking with my boyfriend this other boy will walk by and not be ashamed of staring. it makes me wet.

  • 76624611

    im a girl, and i have a really good friend whose a boy, and he is the only person who doesnt judge me for liking sex, but doesnt just pretend not to judge me because hes horny for me. he never hit on me and defended me when people got mad that i was easy.

    i was out another friend of mine (a girl). earlier that day he dumped his girlfriend and was feeling really down, so i asked her if it was ok if he came over and we hung out with him to try and cheer him up. she said sure. he met her for the first time that day. the three of us were hanging out in my room and she asked him what we could do to make him feel better. buy him ice cream? anything? he said he wasnt sure. he was told that porn was good in this situation but he would feel like such a loser leaving friends to go watch porn during the daytime.

    we each took our shirts off and he sucked on our breasts while we stroked his hair and said, “there sweetie. feel better?” he watched us make out topless and asked if he could eat us both out, and my friend immediately was like, “you like eating girls out?! you have two girls here and you just want to pleasure us? thats what excites you?!” he nodded sheepishly. he ate us out. we made out naked while he watched and it gave him a boner that we both licked until he cummed. we all fell asleep after we all cummed and when i woke up he was having anal sex with her while pulling her hair and choking her whispering “dont make any noise” and she was loving it and rubbing her clit. i masturbated watching them.

  • 941091804

    I hate getting my period when its not due so embarrassing. 🙁

  • 862483379

    DUH! *smacks forehead*

    not my finest moment, hope he can tell

  • 614487859

    i wish i could take pills instead of smoking weed. i wouldn’t have to hide the smell, or my red-ass-eyes.

    and FUCK the captcha thing!

  • 288965993

    I treated someone who did nothing to deserve it pretty poorly. I didn’t mean to hurt him, but I could have handled it all much better. We started dating, and within a couple of weeks I realised though it was a lot of fun, it wasn’t going to be a long-term thing for me. I meant to be honest with him, but he seemed to be falling in love, so I chickened out of telling him every time for fear of hurting him, realising full well that I was just making it worse in the long run. I’d see him and sleep with him, but not respond when he said things like “I missed you”, which must have been fucking painful for him.
    I finally worked up the courage to tell him yesterday. He’d been pretty distant for a week, and said he’d been planning to have the same conversation with me. I really hope that he did just decide we weren’t a good match as a couple, but I’m afraid I made him unhappy enough that he decided he was better off without me.
    I’m really sorry, Isaac. You’re a lovely, sweet, funny and interesting guy, and I hope you meet a wonderful girl who appreciates all that and makes you happy.

  • 161495115

    It’s gonna be a GREAT day!

  • 998535902

    I love you.

  • 105885131

    I hate my job – every time I come here I get so stressed/het up that my eyes start to prick with tears. It’s happening right now. I’m trying to find something else but can’t leave until I get another job as I can’t afford it. It’s demotivating and I hate my boss

  • 882121088

    My 43 yo filipina wife,mother of our 3 kids,has been having sex with her 21 yo nephew,her sisters son from NY for 3 years now.We live in Georgia now for 5 years.He comes here to visit at spring break & for a month or two every summer.I’ve heard,or seen them doing this numerous times.My wife seems to think she is fooling me.He knows I know of this & flaunts it.He’s humiliated me.My wife thinks I don’t know anything.He fucked her right on our bed and i walked in on them.He laughed at me & finished.I’m a nothing.

  • 993150846

    I am a victim of domestic violence. It sounds so melodramatic, but I don’t think it’s helpful to call it other than what it is.

    Tonight was the third incident. After a long night of fighting, around 3:00 I had shut my mouth and shut my eyes. My wife lunged at me, trying to push me out of the bed. I said “what are you doing!” She bit my arm and continued pushing. Our dog was pushed out of the bed onto the floor, and then I was pushed out next.

    As I was getting dressed, she said she was sorry for biting me. I said “not as sorry as you’re going to be.” In the subway station I took off my shirt and took pictures of the bite marks on my arm. It’s still aching a bit now.

    I packed my bag and headed downstairs. She begged me to stay and talk. I said “you have one minute. Say something good.” She wanted to talk about who would get the dogs when we separated. I said this was not the time to discuss the details of our divorce. She tried to keep my phone from me, and then tried to keep my bag from me. She tried to not let me leave the apartment. I said “Get out of my way. Give me my bag. I will call the police. Get out of my way. I will call the police.”

    I left. I’m all alone. I’m reading about NY state domestic violence laws and orders of protection. I’m wondering whether I should have called the cops after all. I’m unsure whether I’ll go to the courthouse to file for an order of protection and/or divorce in a few hours when it opens. I’m unsure of anything at this point.

  • 997609170

    I told my husband I cheated on him but did not confess everything. I’ve cheated twice, everything lasting less than 2 months, but I only told him about one time. I feel awful and disgusting. I don’t know if I should tell him or if it would just make things worse, he’s already devastated.

  • 270579747

    Goddamn, you piss me off so fucking bad. I fucking unblocked you on facebook, hoping you would contact me on there, but I still haven’t heard anything from you. Wtf is wrong you? Why are you like this? Do you like to hurt people? Ignoring them the way you do. Fuck, I’m getting really impatient with you. Sometimes, I wish I could just forget you, but I can’t. You know why? Because I fucking care about you too much, that’s why. I’m sorry if I am the reason we stop talking, it’s my fault I know, but I wish you knew how much I am sorry. I cannot stand us not talking any longer. It’s eating me alive.

  • 713366443

    Please God, help me not to kill myself this April. I don’t want my mom to find my body. I don’t even want to die. I just want to escape to this dream world where the imagined is real and everything goes the way I want. I just want people to understand. I just want to live. Please, please, please, if you exist, let me escape this hellhole which is depression forever.

  • 933755393

    I was homeless for 5, almost 6 months. No one in the world knew. I still went to work, saw my friends, and acted normal in general. My family didn’t even know. Then I would drive around at night looking for a place to sleep, but instead of sleeping I would just find myself crying in my car.

  • 93108665

    I wish I knew what I was supposed to do with myself.

  • 687710125

    I was so insecure when I was younger. And everyone I respected could see it.
    I should be so lucky that they are still willing to put up with me. Gosh.

  • 721345799

    I met you. Fell in love with you. My first. I love you, and I know you love me, but I’m not so sure you love me the right way. You are too selfish my darling. You think of your own wants rather than my feelings. You brush aside the fact that I am still trying to cope with my past. Its been two years dear; I dont think you are ready for this, for us, for me. You need someone who is okay with what you do, I am not and never will be. My heart aches and my mind is conflicted terribly. I look at you and it torments me inside, even though I smile, because I know that my staying is just me trying to force us. This isnt real love, this is selfish love and fear. I am afraid to leave you because I do not want to expirience that pain of a heart broken for the first time. I am in my twenties, I thought I had waited long enough to mature well enough to avoid that pain by chosing the right man…I guess I’ll soon know the pain of what nearly everyone else goes through…