
  • 605310055

    i just logged into my boyfriends email account because i had a hunch. my hunches are never wrong. in his sent folder- twenty plus emails responding to craigslist ads for spring break flings and fucking random girls. sent the day before he left for spring break, when he was still with me. this is the man who gave me a promise ring last year that i lost my virginity to when i was 17, that i lost a lot of my girl friends for because they didn’t trust him and i chose him over them. now who do i turn to? need a group hug please. cant breathe

  • 126908439

    My feelings don’t stop your situation from being a kick in the gut to me. The way you said it makes my stomach drop a month later. I never figured our friends could be so sleazy, and that hurts, too. I just want you to be happy, even if it isn’t with me.

  • 953263934

    everywhere i go, i see hot guys. damn. it gets me so fucking wet. i just want to fuck them all !!!

  • 946440941

    I have to get this out or I’ll scream.

    Fucking A. The only think that comes between me and him is WORK.

    WORK never allows us a real holiday, not even one like st patty’s because he got stuck on a job and won’t be home till almost 9pm. Wouldn’t be a big deal if he didn’t have to wake up tomorrow at 6am to be BACK at WORK.

    Wouldn’t be a big deal IF this didn’t happen on EVERY major holiday.

    4th of July? Gotta WORK.

    Thanksgiving? Gotta WORK.

    Halloween? Gotta WORK.

    New Year’s Eve? Gotta WORK.

    For the last FOUR years, at different jobs, in different STATES!–some that I’ve worked at too!

    Then he gets pissy at ME for not wanting to talk about it when he brings it up! Why? So I can get pissed about the SAME FUCKING THING THAT I CAN’T DO ANYTHING ABOUT?

    Every summer, too. Every summer it’s early mornings and late nights, and promises of a better summer and a real vacation “next year”.

    Why do I even hold my fucking breath?

    And if I were reading this on here–even though the circumstances aren’t in as fine of a detail as they could be–I would wonder if this mofo was fooling around.

    And thinking that just makes it worse.

  • 622289976

    I truly fear for the future of the United States.All the corruption has just made me lose hope for humanity.

  • 367156668

    why did you lie to me…?
    what do you have up your sleeve?
    i’m worried about you…but mostly, i’m worried about what you’re trying to do to me…

  • 404425322

    No one knows that I’m actually mature and a hopeless romantic because I like to hide it by being an immature pervert.That’s probably the reason you’ll never like me. I wish I could grow the balls to not care and tell everyone that I love you. I want you to know that I’m not what I appear to be. If we ever got together I would surprise you by how romantic I’d be. I don’t even want sex, I just want to be able to hug and kiss you every day ’til the day we die.

  • 469477857


    I love you


  • 848409037

    Hi,I am from an Indian Culture.I have been married for 2 years.In my family everybody has a professional education,but in my in laws family nobody is educated not even my husband.Its been 2 years of marriage,but still sometimes I dont get well along with husband and his family.I sometimes get so frustrated,feel like killing myself.
    Both me and my husband have too many differences.Also it makes me feel that because my husband is not educated he does not understand me.He has never been supportive,always listen to his family.
    Last sunday,I lost my temper and misbehaved with my-in-laws.Even though my husband was not there at the time,his brother told him everything.The very next day I had a fight with my husband.He tried to tell me that I am not in my own house,I should better understand that this is In-Laws place.I was so deeply hurt,cried a lot.I felt that m husband never tried to understand that why I behaved that way,what all am I going through.I was broken.
    After 2 days,I realized that I should apologise to everybody in the family.In the evening time,I gained the courage said sorry .But I dont know,,I am still very upset.I feel as if I have lost my self respect.I am deeply hurt.

  • 390630778

    I too often seriously consider dropping out. I don’t feel like I’ve got everything in order, and it’s beginning to become increasingly difficult to commit to anything.

  • 16451441

    Nine more days, in nine days I renew ny cell phone and I’ll get it so I have unlimited texts. It’s completly worth talking to you every day. Haha I really need to learn how to sext, I’m so bad with that stuff and I know you want to. I want you, since I can’t have you I’ll waste a little more money so I can talk to you. I’ll call the hours I’m covering for her as phone and condom money. I can’t wait until spring break and this summer so I can see you more. I’m a terrible person but at least I’m happy a lot more now.

  • 419458424

    I sincerely like him.
    I liked him before, years ago, but I was aware that he was off-limits then. Not in a relationship, but in love. Love that would become a relationship a year or so later… but one that was obvious to everyone regardless.

    I like non-emotion, fact things about him, that he can handle himself, is responsible with money, can cook, bake, isn’t as far away as he could be, etc.
    I like emotion, stupid fact things, too, like how he can mock me and I won’t feel upset, how he’s dedicated and faithful and foolish, how he does care and how he’s allowing me some illusion of happiness here and there.

    What’s hurts the most is that he knows I like him and is still his regular charming self, not leading me on, but not being an ass to push me away either.
    He knows and bears with me despite not liking me that way.
    And I wish I could just hate his guts. Lash out on him and be spiteful…
    And in some masochistic way, I still want to seek out his company despite knowing nothing will come of it. I come up with stupid topics or am redundant in asking him over and over on progress on things he’s doing, just to keep us talking.

    But all the same, I know that if he did pick me up, it would just be him taking pity on me or being desperately lonely. He doesn’t want me, doesn’t like me and no wait will ever change that.

    I don’t want to give up or move on though…
    But I don’t want to be a pathetic, whiny idiot either, who will be grateful for every word of his when it means nothing to him.
    I don’t want to be spiteful just to force myself to get away from it, I don’t want to end friendship or friendly chats, but I don’t think I should talk to him anymore either…

  • 623102255

    I can’t stand being without you. I feel so comfortable around you now. And I love you so much. Please consider marrying me. I really love you.

  • 102131958

    Last year as I was about to leave the gym I made eye contact with a girl. The shy kind that you never really know anything about, that invites you to talk about all the stories of both your pasts. She looked at me, and I think I saw a glint in her eyes like a memory you never forget. Either that, or the overhead, twenty-foot-long, cancer-causing fluorescent lights were blinding her. I’m not sure, but I hope that it’s the former. I tried the rest of the year to get closer to her then I heard she left my school and moved away. If there was one thing I could have said to her, either in the gym that day, or at any time last year it would be “I think you’re achingly beautiful” because that glint I saw in her eyes.


  • 744846231

    Dread the day when, by accident, we will meet again, my dear Laurel.

  • 290365231

    im a white guy dating a black chick, she is great she makes me feel like a man,shes cute and sexyyy i never thought i would like a black women or even love this one..and this is the best part..she lets me play white master, black slave with her when we have sex.. im going to marry this chick!!!

  • 667370261

    I’m not attracted to you anymore… NOT!!!

  • 903538628

    the other night when your friend asked me what made girls fall head over heels for guys and well…all i did was describe you. he had no idea.

  • 468224340

    my girlfriend’s new hair is fucking hideous. she’s being a major league bitch to me atm as well and all i want to tell her, nay, scream at her, is that she shouldn’t have dyed her hair.

    i am having sincere regrets about this relationship. we’ve been dating for four years and gotten through many adversities, but i don’t think i’ve ever wanted to break up with her more than i have the past two days. i shouldn’t have given her my virginity, and i shouldn’t have started dating her. we were clearly too young, and now that i’m in college i feel like i can get any girl i want.

    i find myself seeking freedom more and more, and while it sickens the part of myself that truly does love her, it eggs the other part of myself on even more, to call it quits.

    she gives me next to no emotional support, is too rough with me in bed, and ignores me in favor of her friends, who she also talks shit about when they aren’t around.

    i would wish for sweet death’s loving embrace before i had to even begin to try and break up with her, but it’s becoming hard to tolerate her when she can’t do the same for me. i know i’m sensitive, and i know i cry a lot, but she doesn’t need to be such a bitch 24/7. i never see her treat anyone else this way.

    and her hair is still ugly. boohoo. 🙁

  • 11494962

    Why wont you just talk to me?