
  • 479995056

    I want to be your lover, not your friend.

  • 673543201

    We can’t be just friends. We cannot not be in each other’s lives. We have tried both and we just wind up back together again, and in each other’s arms. We love each other.

    So why can we not just make it work?

    It’s driving me crazy that I will have to leave you, really, really leave you in the end. Cuz we both know you won’t do it. You will always be there, even if you are a douche, because you really do deeply love me. I never thought it was possible, but I think you love me more than I love you. And I love you from the depths of my heart.

    What are we going to do? Better question, what am I going to do?

    I love you.

  • 842179547

    I moved countries to see a girl I met on the internet. I’ve been in the new country now and things were going okayish between us recently after almost never talking again. I saw her last wed and she agreed to meet me this tuesday. We had a full set of plans to go see our favorite band play yesterday. She agreed to everything.

    Tuesday morning I begin my long journey to get to her, informing her of all where I was , which train or bus and how far away I was. I got no response. She continued to ignore me for 4-5 hours until I eventually arrived at her uni. Then she replied and said that she was ‘finished’ and I could do ‘whatever the f*ck I wanted’. Apparently the plans were off, but I had already traveled all the way to see her.

    I rang the bell to her room in an attempt to talk to her, there was no response. I went back to the room I was renting on her campus. Next thing I knew, the campus security had found me and wanted to talk to me. They accused me of trying to get into her flat and that I was a stalker. I was not to leave my room. They returned twice in the night and told me that if I ever contacted her again they would inform the police. Early next morning they removed me from the university and told me I could never return.

    Yesterday I went to see my favorite band live for the first time, alone. It was one of the first times I had seen a *really famous* band live.

    I payed thousands of dollars to make it possible, and as I stood there watching them, I felt nothing but pain.

    I’ve been accused of being a stalker, and no one will hear my side of it. I am stuck in a country for months where I am completely alone. I will never see or talk to the girl that meant so much to me and I feel like a complete criminal.

  • 39674554

    You don’t know this, but I really want your dick inside me.

    I know “Daddy Horse Dick” is a nickname, but I’m honestly willing to find out, if you’re willing to show me.

    Even if your dick isn’t as wide or massive as that of a horse, I’ll still let it in.
    Just next time I see you, don’t fiddle with the cigarette in your hands, just light it. I’ll be putty in your hands, honest.

  • 378183007

    that hot and cold shit u got going, it’s dumb, make up or fucking mind!

  • 540635647

    ughhhh why didnt i take the chance before
    im going crazy — someone kill me:[
    i super super super duper like him but i CANT bc fuck im married.
    i love my hubby and baby but i still wonder

  • 521700820

    ughhhh why didnt i take the chance before
    im going crazy — someone kill me:[
    i super super super duper like him but i CANT bc fuck im married.
    i love my hubby and baby but i still wonder

  • 323355954

    I hope that you die in a fire, you stupid cunt. And you slowly burn to death. I can’t believe that I ever did anything with you. You’re pathetic.

  • 193000865

    i was infatuated with s coworker so I ejaculated in some ambrosia salad I took for a pot luck so I could see her eat the salad. that was 27 yrs ago but I still feel bad

  • 112302489

    I am a female who watches bi-porn… two dudes and 1 girl, sometimes gay porn- 2 guys. (I’m a Christian btw) I stopped, but I struggle every now and then.

  • 801809834

    Im obsessed with the colour blue.

  • 653129706

    You’d never think you’d meet someone on this site.
    I happened to meet my soul mate.
    Well, I believe we were meant to be.
    We talked and it turned out we lived only 6 hours away from eachother. And this is quite unlikely. Fate maybe.
    We enjoyed the same things. All of them. From our most bazarre food similarities to perspectives on things and life.
    We ended up breaking apart. He thought I was the most perfect girl he’d ever seen, even with my crazy colourful hair, and I thought he looked like an angel, and he didn’t even know it.

    Im sorry Jake, I know it’s been awhile and you probably don’t even remember me.. But i’m sorry.
    Sincerely, Haley, or as you used to call me, Rainbow.

  • 488642343

    I used to want to be important – so I went out and worked hard, earned a decent living doing something I thought I would enjoy. I became the person that everyone else came to with their problems. I became the person I thought I wanted to be, only to find out that I would much prefer to be able to still see the beauty in humanity and would trade it all if I could go back to a time when I thought everyone I met had their own unique purpose.

  • 373570584

    Well… I just gave a stranger a bj for only $25. Just to put gas in my car. I’m supposed to meet up with someone else tomorrow, and someone wants me to have sex w/ them for some money. Guess what, I claim to be a Christian!!! I do want to serve God and etc., but I am in a financial mess. I am really stuck and I blame myself. I really see myself as a failure. I am trying to have faith and do the right thing but it’s really hard. I guess I’m gonna have to stay away from these dudes for a while. My double life is one of the many reasons people do not take God seriously. I am really sorry, my actions were so screwed up. If I did not believe in heaven and hell… I would take my life. Also, I still have hope that things will get better … but I just don’t see it. I keep messing up. I just want to do better, or at least get something right.

  • 906251176

    I’m Cutting again..
    because i cant handle the pain i feel when people talk about their weight. I am not skinny and my best friend is like 100 pounds and i am like double that and she constantly complains about how fat she is and how she need to stop eating and that just makes me feel bad about myself. what she says makes me feel like I’m disgusting. And whats worse is that no one ever cares about how I feel. I act like nothing ever bothers me therefor no one ever bothers to ask. but the truth is, is that I have way more problems then all my friends combine. and i cant tell them because non of them will understand. No one will get my pain. They wont CARE about the pain I feel everyday.
    Sometimes I feel to bad about myself that I cant get up. I just stay in bed and cry. I Wish I had someone to go to, to talk to about what i am feeling. but i don’t. I’m cutting again because truth is i missed that feeling. the feeling of pain that not on the inside. Its good to know that I can feel something other that heartache.
    right now I feel like I wanna die i feel so bad. I
    I know that some people have it worse. I get that, but right now, I cant even think of anything elce then wanting to die.

  • 632231166

    I am so sick of you and your shit.
    I finally started getting my life back together and after your behaviour last night, it’s fucking ruined.
    I don’t see why you have to act like this.. Why can’t you just be happy with us being friends?
    It’s ruining everything. I can’t fucking sleep even. I’m so angry/worried about you. I really don’t know what to think of you anymore.

  • 237754947

    W, sometimes I wish we hadn’t missed each other. Our life could have been perfect.


  • 874937299

    It’s okay. It will be okay anyway. These were my confessions today:

    I will NEVER allow myself to become emotionally attached to a man again.

    I have finally really given up. I let go of the hope I hold in my heart for him.

    I’ve made a lot of mistakes in life and with you. I’m not going to make anymore with you.


  • 984161011

    so much blood… I told my therapist i quit.

  • 628546912

    I’m a little sad tonight. I think it’s because I have to go to work tomorrow…