
  • 698660533

    My sister-in-law and brother-in-law are whiny, dependent jerks who are incapable of caring for themselves – yet they have two small children. My BIL lost his job and didn’t bother to look for another, instead entering school for an incredibly pointless degree in a field that has few job openings for new grads. He seems to think that his future is made for him because of some start-up company that a friend is currently running in his basement. Naturally, these morons purposely decided to have a third baby right now. Stellar timing.

    My SIL has health insurance through her work, but it’s “too expensive,” so the kids are on state health insurance provided through a program for low-income kids. Their new (and planned!) child will be on Medicaid. Both my BIL and SIL have brand-new iPhones. My SIL has regular massages, and my BIL never passes on seeing new release movies, buying new DVDs weekly, and the kids get toys all the time. But health insurance is “too expensive” and state-based aid is necessary to maintain their lifestyle. My MIL babysits the kids for free every day – whether my BIL is in school or not, and oftentimes whether SIL is working or not. She also often takes one of the kids alone because “two kids are tough for [BIL and SIL] to handle.” Yet, BIL very snottily bitched at us about the possibility of taking our son – who spends a weekend or so every 6-8 weeks with his grandparents – to MIL’s house for spring break because their baby might come during that time and they need MIL to watch the kids. Oh, and SIL needs mommy there during the birth. She apparently can’t do it on her own, despite having done it twice before. BIL said this several months ago, before my husband and I even suggested the possibility of our son going over there during spring break. Oh, and we were “selfish” too for not finding other arrangements for our son. Unbelievable.

    My SIL has had very easy, painless births with her older children. But for this birth, I hope she has an excruciatingly painful, lengthy labor. I hope after three hours of pushing, the baby will not budge and she needs a c-section. I hope SIL has a horrific, painful recovery from the c-section. I hope she’s a total wuss about the pain. I hope she has crushing post-partum depression, I hope she can’t nurse her baby, and I hope her older two children adapt very poorly to the new baby and start acting out. I hope my BIL acts like his usual pissy self and is useless in helping her.

    Then I hope she (unexpectedly) gets pregnant again six weeks after the birth. I hope they must sell the phones, cancel the wi-fi, get rid of the cable, and are forced to take no vacations, not eat out, and not buy anything but the most basic essentials until all their children are in school. I hope my BIL is forced to take a crappy job with his worthless degree just so he can finally act like an adult instead of a fifteen year old. I don’t want anyone – their kids in particular, who are innocent – to be hurt in this. But a bit of austerity, a touch of mild suffering, and some denial actually does limit misplaced feelings of entitlement and build character. These two could obviously use some of that.

  • 286872758

    My father was the cruelest man I ever knew he died 3 years ago. I think my mom is happier than shes ever been.

  • 53398836

    I hate cruel people.

  • 542186326

    I’m sat reading people’s confessions on here because I’m bored. Some people are so depraved.

  • 524389850

    I’m so in love with you.

  • 605049339

    i think i don’t have any friends anymore. i tell my current classmates that i have my best friend in another school but i think that best friend and i are drifting apart. i think i only say it because it’s either i really don’t want to name any of them my best friend or even a friend or i’m really not close to them and i know it deep inside and i know they won’t treat as a real friend not as a ‘she’s smart, she can help me pass or she’s rich, i can take advantage of her’ kind of friend, which really is not a friend at all.

    And then there’s this small outcast group that are nice and really loyal around the members of their group and i became a part of their group. They’re really nice except for these two, but mostly just one. This girl let’s call her A, she’s not very…for lack of better words…smart, pretty, rich or nice. well she’s nice sort of. she’s just very very very rude to anyone not part of the group.She’s not smart but i can handle that because a lot of people are slow but she’s being a parasite to me and keeps asking me to help her with her studies which is ok because i do that with everyone but to come in to my house like she owned is NOT ok. she came walking straight inside my house and gave me a mcdo burger telling me that i have to teach her calculus when i went home early from school that exact day because i was sick. she came into my house while i was just about to fall asleep. and she didn’t leave until it was really dark already! She also keeps asking me if she could borrow money and she keeps eating my packed food every single day. although i don’t eat the food and only bring it because my mom insists, it is still annoying. So after what she did, i was really not in the mood to deal with her so i was avoiding her as much as i could but she keeps clinging. so after that day, she was rolling her eyes at me and obviously angry but who cares? at least that’s one parasite gone.

    and the other one is just rude when she has mood swings and it’s so obvious sometime when she’s faking it. and rude. and competitive with me at grades. she’s suppose to be my friend and be happy when i get high grades even if it is higher than hers!

    so there, i just needed to vent that one out because i can’t tell anyone in school because that will obviously cause rumors.

  • 578195087

    I’m either going to be rich beyond my wildest dreams this year or completely broke. Wish me luck.

  • 879250302


    It’s gonna be a GREAT weekend!

  • 468051951

    I wish I had a car.

  • 349658379

    I really hate feeling like the people I’ve always considered to be my best friends don’t care about me. I don’t see them for months and when i do see them it’s like they don’t even care, like they haven’t given me a second thought the entire time. When they need anything I’m always there but whenever I need something they just avoid me.

  • 348007215

    I’m letting my life waste away, all that money, and time, and hope are disappearing down the drain because I’m too afraid to act.
    The longer I wait, the more damage is done, yet I still lack the courage to do it.

  • 624356397

    Thoughts are racing.
    I shouldn´t get too involved in everything. Especially not in an emotional way. Guys usually don´t. Why do I?
    Actually things are going fine, but I sometimes think I´m standing in my own way. Some distance here and now would be useful.

    ereysto himself

  • 783731752

    I did a rude touching session this morning thinking about my boyf sleeping with this girl I used to have a crush on. If I ever told my boyf, he’d think it was acceptable for him to think about it too. It’s totally not acceptable and if he did, I’d bollock him. I know it’s contradictory so that’s why I have to tell you.

  • 555388128

    You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared. You said you cared.

    So what happened when you took me off facebook and decide not to speak to me anymore? Sure you said you pushed everyone away because you didn’t want to hurt them, but did you know what you’re doing to me is hurting me? Probably not.

  • 971493930

    I have only ever remembered fragments of my whole life. Discontinuous emotions and desires all pooled together in a mess of debris.

    I imagined that if I lay there long enough I just might compress and compress and compress and all of a sudden tap! I’d be gone.

    … like a heavy dread inside of me…

    I’m so sorry i’m so sorry i’m so sorry i’m so sorry that I am not good enough
    so you liked me for a little while and then discarded me
    and now I’m all used up
    because I’m not good enough
    and i’m sorry and i’m sorry and i’m sorry
    and now i won’t eat won’t eat won’t eat.

    it’s good for me.

  • 86082307

    This guy I somewhat talk to bought me my first dildo=/ I’m 25 years old! lol! I wish I could carry it in my purse.. I have abused it more than what I think laws might permit. One night he was here from across the country and wanted to cuddle but I knew my new toy was at home… I excused myself… apologized I was tired.. and raced home to assault that shiny new thing… =D I think I might be in love… Just gotta work on my vagina being less sore… I’m just a slore in love with it! If It had papers I’d marry it=D

  • 149314628

    I just don’t give a fuck anymore. You won’t talk to me? Fine, be my fucking guest. It’s not like I wanna deal with your manic and depressive moods anyway–life’s too short for all that. Goodbye ex lover.

  • 83972388

    I still think about you from time to time. Some days thoughts of you are the only ones that fill my mind, but I’m sure you’ve forgotten about me by now…I’m sure I’m nothing special to you anymore. How did we let love slip away?

  • 718106187

    i saw you at fry’s as the cashier. omg that was extremely awkward. thank you for not saying you remembered all of us from summer bridge. thank god for my invisibility cloak.

  • 545418010

    Life is just this unending ball of stress. Like it is for everyone. There’s no reprieve, no break. It just keeps coming. I know I’m not special to feel this stressed. I know that. But at the same time I feel like I can’t handle it. I get paid tomorrow. I’m tempted to just go to Wal Mart and buy a jack knife and start cutting again just so I can have something I can control.