
  • 951286685

    thanks for always making me feel like complete shit. if you ever wonder why i never tell you my accomplishments, it’s because i lost all respect for you. i just don’t care what you think anymore.

  • 277864309

    I can’t love myself either -i’m worthless. I wish I could go back in time and feel again what I felt

  • 223843452

    I don’t think I’m ready to get married but I think I’m in too deep to back out.

  • 245547337

    moonlight, stargazing, campfires….i do have moments when i miss you. then i remember who you really are and it makes me sad.

  • 723021074

    i never read a book twice.
    i’ll listen to a song over and over again until i’m sick of it.
    i’ll play a video game for hours until i can’t stand its graphics.
    nowadays i can’t get myself to study, because all i’ve done was study all my life.
    if there’s ever a habit i want to break, all i have to do is do it in excess.

  • 118174862

    I really think I hate you for good now.

  • 827115371

    I’m engaged, but on Friday one of my male friends I’ve always had a soft spot for told me I was beautiful. It meant more to me than it has any of the times my fiance has told me.

  • 985880413

    You robbed me of the most valuable thing in my life and you have no clue, you blame me? FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU BASTARD.

  • 592222211

    Please don’t be a miscarriage, please please

  • 746021757

    I am a Catholic Priest, and in six months, I will be ordained a Bishop in my home diocese. There are further plans for a possbility that I will be ordained to the Cardinalate as well. In order to gain my position, I have done some very unholy things, I have protected people who should have never been protected, and I have defended men who deserve neither defense, nor glory of God. Though I have never done anything illegal to gain the office that I am going to recieve, I betrayed friends, my morals, and God in my quest for Power.

  • 723985559

    I doodled a doodle of a naked bondage chick (meant to be me) on some toilet paper while I was using the bathroom yesterday, planning to flush it once I was done. I have a fantasy of being tied up and gagged by my boyfriend. We talk about it all the time but we’ve never done it, because we plan to wait til marriage. I forgot to flush the doodle and left it on the bathroom counter. My mother and sister both must have seen it, though neither one confronted me. I feel so horrified and upset by this. I do NOT want this secret part of myself to be exposed to them. I’ve been horribly depressed all day today and now its even worse. I shouldn’t feel guilty for having sexual urges and fantasies, but I do. I didn’t start exploring my sexual side til the age of 22, because of my shame. Now I feel like I’m back to square one.


  • 649025801

    I’m sick of apologizing for things that I didn’t do just to keep our friendship alive. You say you care about me and you want to be involved in my life, but I tell you things and you act like you could not care less.
    I almost killed myself because of you…and you didn’t even notice.
    If I didn’t have that one friend that actually gave a shit, I would be dead right now.
    And you have the nerve to call yourself my best friend? You have no idea how to be one of those.

  • 105695093

    I have finally come to the realization that you don’t miss me. And you never cared. That much is enough to make me want to end it all. Instead, it’s how I am getting over you. Thank you.

  • 725630883

    I started Testosterone three days ago, and holy shit. Life is pretty fucking sweet.

    I masturbated, not because I wanted to…But because I felt the urge to after a hard workout. And it’s never felt better! This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, you and I Testosterone. :^)


  • 982047395

    I was just a distraction from your life. I’m just beginning to really understand that. That fact will never stop hurting, but one day, it all won’t matter anymore.

  • 153424789

    So, there’s this girl at my school . her name is alicyn , & nobody knows but me that she has male genitals …. i dont want to tell anyone who im sleeping with ,but her balls are delicious/: i dont know what to do .

  • 384934304

    I hope you’re happy now. You wanted to be whole, so shattering me to take the pieces you wanted was all you needed. I would’ve sacrificed myself – you didn’t have to break me.

  • 55798153

    This is my first year teaching grade 2 in an inner-city public school system. Friday I was threatened by an 8yr old boy. His manner was violent and angry with the confidence of an adult. Im a 26 yr old guy and a teacher. “HE IS ONLY 8”


  • 676249045

    I acted super interested in someone that I wasn’t, just because I knew if I reciprocated their annoyance they’d leave me alone. It worked. 🙂

    Yeah, it was your idea, buddy.

  • 562540712

    The last time I had sex with my husband was the conception of our child who is almost 4 now.