
  • 575424336

    I think I found my soulmate, but it’s not the guy I’m happily in love with.

  • 5008528

    Ya, fuck you, you’ve already been replaced.

  • 125482944

    That one really was an accident.

  • 668538880

    After years of thinking I didn’t want to be a mother, now all I want is to have a baby… And I’m afraid it might be too late.

  • 445212846

    go make other friends. grow the fuck up and learn to move on.

  • 976953840

    You’ve been silent for a long time now I think. You wrote so well…it’s sad. I miss reading it.

  • 497353852

    last confession

  • 82601453

    the moon isn’t but I am. you know where i am….

  • 418966600

    Why would anyone do that to someone? What if it was someone that really cared about you more than anyone or someone that youve known for a long time or someone that never lied to you because they dont lie someone that is good hearted that would never let any of the things in these confessions happen to you if they knew WHY DIDNT YOU TELL THEM THATS ALL THEY WANTED FOREVER THEY FEEL JUST LIKE YOU DO or someone that begged you to open up and talk but you wouldnt no matter how many calls or emails or texts they sent but still caring and respecting you not being able to or wanting to talk EVER NEVER or someone that would never be annoyed by you ever no matter what because they never were before someone who was always your friend a good friend you were the ONLY friend that mattered or a friend that had been there for you and wanted the same in return to just be there for them by talking to them by listening to them thats all they wanted for a long time, years. someone that was so hurt and confused and frustrated by how youve been acting distant for so long hoping you would just finally talk or someone that hoped every damn day you would come back and be the friend they know you are the friend theyve needed for years and just call and make real time and clear all the confusion up have it out and maybe they wanted to say they were sorry and cry hug laugh and just know it was gonna be ok, always hoping for that day to happen it never did. maybe their life has been really turned upside down for a long time because of all these things and they missed you and they hurt because they needed their best friend. it could be someone that didnt know why or what was going on always feeling like they couldnt begin to know what was happening on their own without your help… just lost and hurt and confused but still chose to keep on holding on as they always did and being the friend they always were… hoping and believing in you knowing you didnt want to or couldnt talk for reasons you couldnt tell them but still believing you would because all these years you really were their best friend and they did the best they could even if it wasnt good enough for you or if it was right or if it was wrong they still always thought you considered them a best friend and maybe its someone that really does love you, a deep love for another human being that will never end its forever, whether its what you want or not its real and maybe nobody will ever be able to understand it but its there…. or it could be someone that might have completely broken down since reading these confessions hours ago…. Someone that would barely be able to see to type this through the snot and the tears unable to breathe because their heart is beating so fucking hard and it wont stop…. someone that doesnt know where to turn…. WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THAT TO SOMEONE??????????

  • 982866636

    The moons not showing its self tonight.

  • 892459584

    I can honestly say i gave u a try, I have been affectionate and everything u may want in a woman and even put up with your abuse in hopes that you may realize it was wrong. However, I see i get nothing from you. It’s ok i realize you don’t owe me anything but, I don’t owe you anything either. This is were I draw the line and say, have a nice life!

  • 315964281

    I am in love with a kind, funny, attractive, loving, warm, talented, smart, amazing man, who has proved time and time again that he would do anything and everything in his power to make me happy…

    …and all i can think about is how much i want to have insane, degrading, dominating, sex with a total asshole.

    I’m so sorry.

  • 92776708

    I’m really scared that a few of the confessions on here are from you.

    Every now and then, I come here when I feel sad, usually just to rant about something in my life. But I was browsing through the confessions… and at least one sounded so eerily like you. I’m sorry that I can’t give you what you want. I do care about you, but I don’t think that you should feel upset even if I didn’t. I used to feel like that about someone else but eventually I realized that he didn’t have an obligation to care about me any more than he cared about any of his other friends. People feel the way they feel and it’s not right or wrong either way. I feel like sometimes you demand that I give you more than I’m willing, as if I owe it to you, but I don’t. If someone doesn’t care about you, shrug and move on. If you want them to care more, actually be in their lives in a way that is beneficial to them, not just in a self-sacrificial way that makes you feel briefly good about yourself. Don’t just say “I spent this much time/effort/energy on you” because that’s not meaningful to the other person; it’s just selfish martyrdom.

    And if you think people think you’re not worth their time, figure out what you can do so that you’re unequivocally worth their time instead of sitting around and wondering about it.

    I realize that chances are those confessions weren’t written by you, but I’ve wanted to say these things to you for a long time now. I do care about you, but I have my own life, too. What exactly am I supposed to do, call and text everybody I’m friends with periodically to check to see if they are alive? Really?

    I know you’re depressed and you can’t help it. I know because I’ve been there. I’m still half there. But nobody can help us except ourselves and there’s no sense in feeling disappointed in that. We have to get up by ourselves and then everything will be okay. I promise.

  • 102470415

    I hate my fucking car. The guy who sold it to me should get a hard kick in the nuts for even thinking about selling it for as much as he did. When I lie it’s not screwing other people over, I fucking hate people that purposefully screw others over.

  • 410929431

    estrium whey. look it up. i have to drink it every night. it tastes like someone drank vanilla ice cream then puked it up then drank it. yeah. it’s purpose? to make me less of a bitch apparently.

  • 37233366

    I’m friends with a number of my ex-girlfriends on Facebook. Sometimes out of curiosity I look at their profiles, try to suss out what their lives are like. Every single one of them seems to really enjoy the way their life has turned out.

    For each one, the turning point seems to be when they broke up with me.

  • 553788761

    Honest to God I just saw a black man dance when his woman told him they were having fried chicken for dinner.

  • 664112808

    I was never interested in his money or his career advantages. I didn’t want to connect with him to acquire social standing or improve my lifestyle. I just wanted him. And now all he can see is doubt, a failure, because that’s what he wants to see. It used to be the case that he actually saw ME.
    And soon it will be over. It’s coming, and it’s not from me.

  • 154694894

    I would do anything to make you happy.

  • 22981396

    Dear Father,

    I do not share all of your political views, nor do I really care that you think Obama is destroying the US. Kindly STFU.

    Your godless commie of a daughter