
  • 432516085

    he just made me get on my knees, panties pulled down. he fingered my pussy while rubbing his dick and panting really hard, he drooled on my ass, gross.

  • 264288505

    He threw away four years of friendship the night he tried to force me to give up my virginity…

  • 177013177

    He threw away four years of friendship the night he tried to force me to give up my virginity…

  • 454172071

    I quit drinking because I hate myself when I drink.

  • 262769828

    I hate myself. Everyone thinks the lithium has helped, and it did, it does. I’m just still all fucked up. I don’t know, I feel like it’s two steps forwards, one step back.

  • 332749293

    We don’t talk as often as we used to, and granted nothing ever happened between us, but I miss whatever it was that we almost kind of maybe had.

  • 985558423

    My friend in college hurt me more than anybody has. I didnt know what she was doing until graduation. I thought we were best friends for 4 years. Hugs

  • 881409812


    Ok lets make this easier on both of us, if you’re here go to the tree.

  • 566533836

    wireless silly 😛

  • 483039797

    I’ve been through it all and I’m here to talk email me [email protected] advice is my thing. 15/f

  • 850320218

    It was just a cat.

  • 617497794

    wireless silly 😛

  • 474110474


    I fucking hate him. Really do.

  • 88933429

    I just actually read the description above the confession box the “it should be interesting” part pisses me off. If I have something I want to confess I’ll do it, regardless if someone else would consider it “interesting” or not.

  • 618554441


    How could you be outside and on the internet the same time?

  • 498187337

    I really hope it wasn’t just the alcohol talking.

  • 403296642


    I hope that when you are in pain and looking for a friend…you find no one is there for you, you selfish ass.

  • 632083139

    I just started crying while watching the end of Criminal Minds. I’m so glad there’s no one here to see this.

  • 412285122

    I hope that wasn’t you in the plane crash. Please dont let it be him. He is a good guy and is too young,adventurous, and stupid to die yet. Please be safe kid. Please. I may not talk to you for other reasons but even now months after we stopped talking you still worry me.

  • 980933503

    I can see why you two were best friends. You’re both my favorite people to work with. I hope sometime this summer I get to work with just us three. I highly doubt that’ll happen though.