
  • 51973311

    i feel so lonely all the time. isn’t there anyone out there for me?

  • 840251249

    I want to have sex with my Geometry teacher.
    He plays hockey ;o

  • 903838051

    I’m terrified of having what I did to you done to myself.

  • 113275877

    Im not giving up.

  • 399375260

    Since you keep mentioning it, maybe you’re on to something… Maybe I did only marry you because you were pregnant? Now that I stop and think about it, why else would I put up with the relentless badgering and bitching? Maybe you’re right, maybe I don’t love you afterall? That would be rediculous. I would never allow myself to love someone like you.

    Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I feel so relieved. Don’t you? You really add value to our family. Our children will be so proud of you.

  • 995556462

    I will never be over you.

  • 828041779

    Fuck…he is a furry.

  • 309916093

    I feel like my life is going nowhere. I am doing a computer course and failing miserably. If I don’t get a degree I have nothing left. I will have nothing to show. I’m a failure

    Sometimes I just don’t see the point.

  • 501554661

    I sat next to you in the car.
    Wishing I was far away from you.

    Hating every second with you.
    Trying to remember what your love felt like.

    I’m never going to be free from you, am I?

  • 185895046

    I want to know that you are over me. Because I have been trying to be over you for so long. If you are over me, then I think I can be over you. I just wish you would make up your damn mind!

  • 762128490

    I am terrified to be in a relationship again. I am scared that i will be taken advantage of, yet again.
    The man who instigated those feelings of fear is now in jail, but even thought he is in jail and out of my life, I am still scared to trust *anyone*.
    I have dug myself out of my hell hole, and am able to live life without being thoroughly depressed.
    I am in a relationship with someone who has known me before and after i went through my own personal hell. The only thing is that i dont know if i will ever be able to fully open up to anyone. My current relationship is stuck in place because of my fears.
    I wish i knew what to do.
    I wish someone would tell me that it is possible to trust people again.

  • 448799401

    I will get over this. I have to.

  • 825235438

    My girlfriend and her mom look like twins and they are both very attractive women. Sometimes though, when my girlfriend and I are having sex, I pretend she’s her mom. I also wonder if her mom moans as loud when she’s cumming.

  • 651957969

    My day was amazing! After our cast party from the musical (4 in the morning), my best friend and I went to my house. We watched “But, I’m a Cheerleader” and ate pasta. Then we fell asleep in my bed, and snuggled through the night and into the morning. Then we went and saw Avenue Q, went out to lunch, and came back to my house and napped together. I’ve never felt more comfortable with a person. I love her so much :). Get this now, I’m not “IN love” with her; she’s just my best friend and i care for her so much.

    The reason I’m confessing this here anonymously?

    Her girlfriend thinks I have a thing for her. I admit i used to, but now I don’t. Lately her girlfriend has been extremely bitchy and hurtful. She has over stepped her boundary as a girlfriend into my friendship. At the moment I am not happy with her. If she were to here of our day she would probably get jealous and insecure. So if she knew about our day together in depth, she would flip a bitch on me.

    Personally I do not care about her feelings when it comes to my friendship with my bestfriend. I’ve known her longer, and have been impacted by her much stronger, then she ever has or will be. I will NOT forfeit my friendship to PMS.

    But all in all, I think of it this way. Girlfriends come and go, but strong friendships can last a life time. 🙂

    Dear Bestfriend,
    No matter what I do with you I am always happy. No matter where I go I always think of you. No matter who you date I shall always look out for your best interests at heart. Remember that night we had pie and watched the aurora lights in the sky? The conversation went a little something like this:
    “Do you think it would be possible for us to stay friends for as long we live?”
    “Of course!”
    “I promise”
    “I’m gonna hold you to that promise…”
    “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
    And after an amazing hug you got in your car and started to drive away, and I chased you in your car down the street. 🙂 That’s a night I wish to remember always.

    Love you to bits and pieces,

    ~Batmanicorn <3

  • 105869559

    I wish you were here.

  • 189613095

    I live a life of misery when I don’t have to.
    But I do.
    I love you even though it isn’t fair.
    It just is.

  • 978835725

    Its weird. I’m looking at pictures of my ex on Facebook, just happened to cross his profile, and its weird having all of the memories flash back. I remember when he was a freshman and liked me, because he asked me to formal, and I agreed to be nice, and 2 days after, he asked me out. I never answered. But then not even a year later I started to like him a lot because we were texting 24/7. The day of District of my senior year we got together and it was BY FAR the best 2 1/2 months that I had had in a very VERY long time. That break up was definitely in the top 3 of the hardest break ups I’ve ever experienced (all 3 are tied), because of how close we had gotten and everything that we had experienced together. Now? We haven’t talked since… August when I visited the dand during band camp, and basically all that was said was, “hi. How’ve you been? Miss me yet?” Which came from me. He answered but wasn’t big on catching up. Not only that, he’s had a girlfriend for almost 4 months. Apparently he grew up and matured faster than he said. But oh well. I found someone who amazes me in every single way, and he doesn’t even know how much I really like him. So in the end, I’m glad I went through his pictures. Now all we need to do is wait about 25-30 years to see if my daughter will marry his son. Because the generations keep getting closer && closer.

  • 985504112

    You looked kind of awkward leaning against the window. I wanted you to lean against my shoulder, but I wasn’t really able to offer. I was just hoping you’d inadvertently lean my way as you nodded off.

  • 428195042

    I love you.

  • 526904337

    And yet, I continue to do nothing about it.
    Fuck me, right?