
  • 770012170

    I’m such an idiot. The closer I try to get to someone, the more they pull away. It’s like they don’t want me to care. Well guess what, I do care. And I can’t stop myself. If that means I have to spend the rest of my life alone, then I guess there is no place in this world for me.

    Won’t anyone let me into their heart?

  • 631508163

    I love you more than anyone, and anything in this world. You’re perfect. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. You make me happy. Even when I’m mad at you, I can’t help but smiling at you. I love you. And it makes me cry. I LOVE YOU. I wish, you could see how much I love you. I love all the stupid things you say. I know you love me too, so why do you have to say “ily” instead of spelling it out like a real man? >:I

  • 728060319

    I think I’m bipolar. Because there are moments where I feel like I can do anything, and then after minutes or hours or so, I go crashing down into this depressive spiral. I hate this.

  • 681307031

    My friends and I snorted oxycotin.

  • 497936583

    my best friend just called me and told me she lost her virginity. she’s so happy about it so why am i crying my eyes out?

  • 183916676

    i have been with my girlfriend for 8 years now and of that time been engadged 3 years to marry next year and has been the only girl i have slept with however 2 night ago i started an affair with a 16 year old girl from work and fucked all night.

  • 275461767

    I feel like I’m a supporting character in my own life.

  • 607603581

    I have learned the true meaning of tenacious and resilient. I have lived them. Lately I have felt like I was running on “E” in every tank, but what never ceases to amaze me is how little it really takes to make me happy. *One small luxary for myself. Saved for, purchased and so much enjoyed. *Psalm 68:6 “God sets the lonely in families”. I lost mine, but has he not replaced them two-fold or more?? *Provisions for the plans ahead. So many things already fallng into place. *One act of kindness and a smile from the one I love can immediately turn my day from bad to good. *Challenges trained for become worthy of victory dances… Life can be good. I will be okay because I know I am loved, even when I question why or feel unworthy. I am growing stronger. There are some things I need to say goodbye to. Some have been good for me, some not so good(unreality sites, alcohol, etc.). They were for a time and a season. For some things, it’s not goodbye forever, but goodbye as they now are. I need to make some things more and some things less. Hey, by-the-way, have you ever noticed that I glow in your loving care?? Just curious.

  • 583097710

    I need to go back to sleep. Hope youre ok.

  • 656039389

    I need to get high

  • 507455728

    That feeling will pass. Life will get better. I want you to live.

  • 121776484

    I. Feel. Empty.
    I want to cry.

  • 900549134

    I don’t want to live anymore.

  • 175164585

    i want to die without her

  • 850848438

    There is no peace for me.

  • 704709833

    I’ve been taking things way too far.

  • 463917247

    I have no clue how you really feel about me, but I hope I get a change to tell you soon that you are loved deeply. Its hard for me to believe you could love me. Why would you? But something is telling me maybe you need to know, at least, that you are lovable. Even if someone else is the one for you. MAS AMOR.

  • 675945338

    All I have to say is Karma is a bitch. Better to make up for it now or you WILL get burned. I guarantee that it will come back to you…it did to me.

  • 823679159

    This isn’t working. But I love you.

  • 740085982

    I think the only reason we are in Libya is so that Obama can have his own personal war to go along with his administration. Every president does it. The Bush’s had Iraq, Clinton had Afghanistan, Reagen had Iran, and so on. Why the fuck are we there? If we took all that money we dump into these shitholes we’d be able to fix everything here and have a balanced budget.