
  • 458986007

    We pretend like what happened last year between me and your boyfriend didn’t happen. But it did. And the guilt is still tearing me apart. You’re more than my best friend. You’re my sister. I never want to hurt you again.

  • 278004222

    I love you so much and I’m so happy we’re together.

    But I’m still not over my last boyfriend. I’m still in love with him.

  • 121798814

    I’m still not over you , no matter how hard I try. The more I try to forget you, the more you stay inside my mind

  • 63727345

    I know it breaks your heart, it breaks mine too.

    I held your hand, I called you baby, I let you into my life and my heart for 6 years. The only thing that’s wrong is your gender, my dear. I simply cannot lie to myself or you anymore.

    I’m gay.

    But it’s alright. I like it. It makes things complicated but at least I have an excuse to be by myself for a while.

    I love you. I always have. But I cannot be with you. It’s not true to who I am. Someday you’ll forgive me.

    (i hope)

  • 578074866

    I love her tomorrow im telling her.

  • 449723192

    hello, sir.

    you make me want to rip off my clothes and do dirty things to you.

    I’m not asking for a relationship.

    I don’t want flowers or little love notes.

    I want you to make me moan and scream.

    I want you to spank me and tell me naughty things.


    you’re little sex doll. ;D

  • 75408769

    I can’t remember what color my eyes are ever, but I can’t forget your big brown eyes. I miss you, and I miss the way you’d pull me close to you until our bodies were flush. Or tracing your tattoos with my fingertips. Listening to you talk. Seeing you on my doorstep, with that eyebrow cocked up like you were Don Juan.

    …God, I miss him.

  • 971420536

    i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    but you like abother chick, which just turns my world upside down. and i dont know what to do.


  • 25285091

    I like you, I also effing love you.

  • 189763157

    when will i get to become my own person and not someone elses puppet

  • 89357876

    I just want someone somewhere to chose me first…..for anything.

  • 363044804

    Goofing around my friend snuck up behind me and put his hands on my hips, I’m not attracted to him but it made me realize how much I miss simply touching someone.

  • 878732941

    I LIKE YOU SO MUCH. I haven’t been this excited about another person since grade school. Pretty soon you’ll be overseas, possibly in considerable danger, and I won’t have had more than three real conversations with you. I know you’d never go for me, and that even if you were interested you wouldn’t get into something with so little time left and so many other variables involved. But I promise you, if I stop being such a wuss and you don’t shoot me down, I’ll move mountains for you. I’m a GREAT girlfriend, and I swear I’m a better communicator when I’m not busy hiding from you.

  • 428411528

    I want to text you but I’m worried she’ll be like “What are you doing texting her?”. I guess I will after school tomorrow because you’ll probably be at work. I wonder if you’ll buy that for me or I’ll have to ask him. Either way I love it that I know I have people I can go to for anything I want, well except someone to talk to about fucking you.

  • 326315322

    I need you tonight cause I’m not sleeping.

  • 109608618

    I know that if our friendship finally comes to an end, my heart will stop hurting and aching for you to love me. But I’m afraid to end out friendship because no one knows me the way that you do. No matter what happens…I still lose.

  • 435733409

    I miss all the chill girls.

    the ones who smoke weed and fuck around with guys. girls who never fall inlove. girls who dont bitch and whine. girls who don’t give a fuck what people think about them. the ones who dont listen to mainstream music and shit..

    ya know..girls like me. ;D

  • 407158015

    I never Expected love from you. I love you. Oh well. You dont have to love me. Im ok. I love you.

  • 494578983

    sent you an email and an offline message on msn.
    I’m scared i can’t afford and abortion :s
    and i’m not asking you to help me on that one.

  • 60986741

    I could go for a special cookie.