
  • 490378333

    I love my parents, I’m sorry for what I did

  • 419270477

    I hate waiting for you. You’ve given me nothing.

  • 290346010

    1. i’m in a really bitchy mood right now.

    2. are you gay?!?! seriously, are you?! the fact is, i’m getting some strong vibes coming off of you.

  • 857260714

    Why is it so hard to find good guys nowadays? Someone who will treat you right and not play any games with you? It seems all that guys I’ve met so far just wanted me for sex, and it hurts me to the bottom of my soul. All my life, I’ve never had any love. So seeking it was the only way to help me feel better about myself–just to know I was loved. I just don’t understand why no one wants me, I’m a good girl, with a good heart, with so much to offer. I don’t know why guys can’t see that :'(

  • 904944808

    You don’t give me your kisses anymore. 🙁

  • 119098057

    I wanna have your babies. 🙂

  • 357274094

    i like the smell of my own farts. i’m kind of a gassy person as it is, especially when i’m by myself, and i find it incredibly satisfying to just completely let one rip and then inhale a deep whiff of it. i like good smells, but i’m poor and almost never have an opportunity to smell them. i wonder if my affection for farts is some kind of freudian anal fixation thing or if i’m just so unused to things that smell good that my basic human standards for enjoying smells have been completely destroyed and i’m a total degenerate.

  • 141311363

    i always feel that someone is watching me. ever since i found footprints in the snow leading to outside my bedroom window, ive felt uneasy.(well no shit, can you blame me.) i also worry they they were peeking through my curtains with a camera taking pictures of what i surf on the net, like lesbian porn and ex boyfriends facebook pages and plan on exposing me to the world!!!!!! oh god im nutso

  • 690333825

    Well, you all wanted my children and had plans to get them and now you have them.Now there your problem and I’m free.


  • 281261554

    Matt B, you’re a fucking asshole and you’re wasting my fucking time. Go ahead and pretend like I’m this annoying bitch, even though I know you have feelings for me. This love/hate relationship was cute for a minute. I know I’m a lot younger than you, but what the fuck are you going to do when I transfer? You’ll miss the hell out of me. By the way, sugar, you’re missing out on a lot of head you could be getting from me.

    You’re such a fucking asshole, but I love you and hope you come around before I totally lose interest in waiting for you…which truthfully may not be anytime soon, because I’m ridiculously attracted to you on many levels.

    We should have angry sex. Lots of it.

  • 394762162

    I admit I enjoy trolling sometimes.

  • 986349322

    I fell for you hard last year, but you fell for him instead. Ok, I got over it, and those feelings faded. but now, a year later and you’re constantly flirting with me, despite still being with him, bringing all of those feelings back. I won’t ask you to break up with him for me, but is it to much to at least know how much you’re going to string me along before something happens? We both want it, why not give in? You shouldn’t have even been with him in the first place….

  • 953195990

    Hi Kristina,
    I like talking to you.
    I like your eyes.
    They change colors ^_^

  • 138377012

    I think I really, really like you – but you have no idea. I don’t even think you notice me.

  • 488763655

    im addicted to meeting random people on the internet and having wild sex with them. mmh! gets me wet just thinking about it.

  • 936040161

    I am terribly sorry. I forgot the codependent “rules”. Your words were not those of an insensitive jerk, it’s me that’s too sensitive. My apologies. I have been out of that loop for a while. I am used to being treated a bit different now. I will try to remember that next time. Yes, I know I am being a sarcastic and insensitive b*tch. You really hurt me. I would tell you, but you said you don’t care. So I vent it here. None of it really matters in the grander scheme anyway. None of this does. Life goes on.

  • 703270324

    i’m seriously thinking about shaving my head when i get to korea. and change names too. balance!

  • 537520609

    This world disgusts me. Although some things have gotten better over the years, like acceptance of race and sexual preference, most other things have gotten worse. I sometimes secretly hope for a zombie apocalypse.

  • 853513814

    You say I’m your best friend, and yet you treat me so bad. You never call me. You never want to meet up. You never reply to my messages. You’re ALWAYS talking about yourself. You don’t seem to care how I am/what I’m doing/what’s new in my life. You’re giving me the cold shoulder for no reason. I honestly don’t think I deserve to be treated like that, and I know I could NEVER do to you what you’re doing to me. Because deep down, I care about you too much. I care about our relationship. And it hurts to know that you don’t.

  • 150133950

    you know, honestly, you can just fuck off
    you tell me that people are saying all this bad shit about me but it’s just your bitter negative ass interpretting that way?
    thanks for making me so anxious i shake
    i haven’t done that for nearly a year and you can fuck off for reminding me about that
    love how you can text me about the dumbest fuckin shit like how you want to get fucked up and how bored you are and asking me whats up twelve times in a fuckin row but you can’t get back to me on this
    i wish i had another place to stay because i’d rather be anywhere but around you this week
    and yeah i can admit it, i only hang around you because i fucking hate being in my room alone and i want your drugs
    that’s all you’re good for
    you’re so stupid
    and you whine so fucking much about the most insignificant bullshit
    i fucking hate you