
  • 456192926

    If I see one more hipster wearing a keffiyeh I’m going to punch him in the throat…twice if he’s wearing the old t-shirt/blazer combo.

  • 730932213

    I’m surprised at how many of my friends have taken to religion.

    I thought I had smarter friends.

  • 853601638

    I miss your smell and your touch. I wish you actions would have matched your words.

  • 572877945

    i want to claim that i am fucking furious and offended and disgusted by you implying i cursed your relationship. but no. what i am is hurt. further proof, yet again, that you don’t know me at all.
    i meant what i said though: this is YOUR relationship, this was YOUR choice, YOU deal with it.
    but don’t insult the intelligence and spirit of anyone by trying to explain the problems off by claiming some malevolent outside force played a part in the troubles. the two of you do fine on your own. you don’t need external malevolent assistance.
    i don’t want to talk to you anymore. i don’t want to deal with you in any way anymore, actually.
    enjoy being married and being a parent.
    i really hope you do.
    but leave me well out of it.

  • 261791277

    Dude wise up a bit, we’ve been banging on and off for the past 2 years, there was the ‘mistake’ and we’re still banging then you suddenly mention that I need to get a boyfriend as casual conversation when you make the first move.

    Don’t make me Meg Ryan you.

  • 997318157

    You break my heart and 3 days later tell me you miss me…

  • 32945409

    To S.
    IT WAS ME, BITCH. It was ME who told J. that you cheated on him left and right with men AND women. You nasty whore! Bet you didn’t see that coming, did you?


  • 899848613

    It’s like March is the time of year when I find someone knew to cheat on my boyfriend with.

    I’m a horrible person.

  • 105487400

    I’m sorry, Little One. If I had known ten years ago that I’d become pregnant after all, I would have done more meaningful things with my life. I would have been a Mom for you to be proud of. But I squandered my 20’s and now here I am at the age of 32, not having done even half the things I wanted to do with my life, and there you are in my womb, damn near at 4 months gestation when I thought you’d only be like two going on 3 months. I’m sorry but I don’t know if your daddy and I are up for being parents when we hadn’t even really lived ourselves. This is why I have the appointment set for this Saturday. Please forgive me. I hope to meet you in the Afterlife….

  • 423249864

    I feel you…still. Even tho you are with her, you are my Ricky and i will always cherish the memories. I love you!

  • 101838770

    I miss you so much, just wish you felt the same.

  • 693064556

    I scream in terror on the inside, every day. My blood has turned to ash. The sunlight lies to me by day, and there is no light to walk by at night. I wish it would end, one way or another. I’ve tried everything I know to try…there is no succor, no relief. I’m trapped in a waking nightmare, and I don’t know if it will ever end.

  • 432301106

    Congradulations, you were right I did pay more just so I could text you, won’t tell you that. I thought it was kind of funny that you wanted to be the reason though. This summer’s going to be fun.

  • 352401916

    You are so obnoxiously annoying and in denial of yourself, its unreal. I don’t want to hang out with you really, but I thank God for bringing you into my life, because you are a reflection of a lot of my former worst qualities. Now I know why I’ve had so many social problems over the past few years. Thank God, its resolved.

    And to everyone who I acted an annoying, self-absorbed, ignorant fool in front of, I am really sorry for my behavior. Really, truly.

  • 269370732

    im getting her to not like me anymore its the only way i can b free

  • 911272102

    I need more. When he asked what I wanted and I said everything I mean everything. Some of I’m not sure if he would give me. I wonder if he realizes all he is is a distraction, not like he’d care.

  • 787429276

    i love you so much T. please dont give up on us. it is so close. we can not let go of wonderful. hold on baby and i will spend the rest of my life loving you. i kno wyou still love me. we are better together. you bring out the best in me and i know i bring out the joy in you. dont forget what it feels like, love. it was real.

  • 593823476

    I’ve been having a weird time mentally, my mental health hasn’t been great. Ive not wanted to do anything, I feel pain inside, I’ve spent 9 months trying to just exist and not look too weird in front of people but it was my fault this happened.

    I don’t know why I am staying with my boyfriend. He doesn’t love me any more.

    The more I think about it, the more I think everything he has said has been a lie. A lie to just keep him happy and able to survive.

    And I feel stupid for trying to be honest and believe him. He’s hurt me (I hurt him too but tried to make up for it and I have apologised) but the relationship was damaged and gone and dead. Why did I even listen to him when I felt like I needed someone to love me so much?

    He carried on and it felt like he left me emotionally for someone else. But I had no one, and I carried on seeing him even though I’d say I needed him to like me, and he’d just say, I do. When I never felt that way that he did. But then he’d shout to me that that was my fault and it’s all in my head.

    I want to get away from him and find someone who really loves me. Who takes care of me, and actually buys me gifts once in a while. I’m a woman, I haven’t had a random gift from him that isn’t a takeaway meal in 2 years.

    I just feel so messed up from everything. But he refuses to say sorry for times he’s hurt my feelings and refuses to accept any blame in anything thats gone wrong.

    How do you deal with someone who refuses to meet in the middle. He obviously feels like he is owed something. So I kissed someone else, ages ago. He wasn’t emotionally there for me then, and he doesn’t understand me now.

  • 959775255

    I want my old friend back.
    She made me happy during a rough time.
    She was there for me when I needed her.
    I was there for her when she needed me.
    I could always count on her to cheer me up.
    making fun of everyone secretly. we were our own clique.
    just like close sisters.
    She made me laugh, she made me smile. And I need that now.

    I miss you bree.