
  • 133251547

    Growing up, I was taught that the police are there to help me and protect me.

    Finding out that was a lie is kind of like the adult version of finding out Santa isn’t real.

  • 613528417

    I’m so glad I met you…and as much as I look forward to talking to you everyday, I am so excited about seeing you again…

    I really hope this works…

  • 800158321

    He’s a multiply accused rapist, a drug dealer, abandoned both his children and you fucking love him, welcome him into your home, and your family. You and I dated, it didn’t work out because you were actually in love with someone else, you decide I’m the one to blame for all your problems and you scream from the roof tops how I’m a danger to your family and the devil incarnate; basically besmirching my character to anyone who will listen. Yeah you fucking asshole, between taking care of your sister, holding down a full time job, volunteering at a homeless shelter, coordinating missions trips, and trying to find a place of my own; I’ve also been plotting the end of the world. I hope someone knocks you the fuck out….

  • 467258532

    I slept with a man behind my fiancée’s back – I feel really ashamed but think that to tell her would be to cause more harm. I’m a sex addict and the ‘event’ has given me cause to reflect deeply on my behaviour and seek some help. Believe it or not I’m not gay or bi sexual, I’m just a sex addict. The thought of sleeping with a man makes me feel sick but when I’m in the malady I’ll do almost anything sexual for my own gratification. I’ve asked god for forgiveness and direction in all my affairs but I must confess this to another human being – so there it is .

  • 543646584

    I love you.

  • 832306710

    Why was i angry?
    Im not quite sure.

  • 60521891

    i want to sing

  • 559886096

    I’m a gay 25 year old guy who’s had suicidal ideations for over half my life and they’re only getting worse

  • 923999052

    Good God, wie kann man nur so ein komplettes Arschloch sein! Sollte die Radioaktivität von Japan hier rüberkommen, dann hoffe ich, dass du der erste bist, der verstrahlt wird! Du bist so ein mieser Penner, so was habe ich in meinem ganzen Leben noch nicht erlebt. Du hältst dich wohl für unwiderstehlich, stimmts? Aber weißt du was? Eigentlich wollte ich dir das nicht sagen um dich nicht zu verletzen, aber nach diesem Scheiß, den du mir an den Kopf wirfst, bitteschön: ich fand es kein bisschen schön, dich zu küssen, dieses eine Mal. Du hast komisch gerochen, von deinem Geruch wurde mir fast übel. Trotzdem habe ich mich zu dir gelegt, ich wollte wissen, was ich empfinde. Du bist eigentlich gar nicht mein Typ, dein Kopf ist zu klein für deinen Körper und du bist viel zu muskulös und breit Trotzdem wollte ich mit aller Kraft herausfinden was da läuft. Und ich bin zu dem Schluss gekommen: nichts!!! Trotzdem gehst du automatisch davon aus, dass ich mir jetzt was einbilde??? Hast du sie noch alle??? Beschuldigst mich, beschimpfst mich, obwohl ich mich völlig normal verhalte? Du interpretierst Dinge in meine Mails, die nicht da sind, das ist sowas von kindisch. Entweder hast du ein riesen Problem mit Frauen, oder einen ziemlichen Hänger.
    Oh Mann, ich würde dir gerne so fest in die Eier treten, dass du erstickst! Du widerlicher Dreckskerl!
    ICH HASSE DICH!!!!!!!

  • 398457102

    I always tell you “I love you”, but I mean, don’t couples always tell each other that? Here’s my problem; I think I actually am in love with you. It’s not really a problem; I know. But. I’m scared. I’m afraid that I’ll ruin this. I mean, I lied to so many people, and I even stole you away from that one girl (even though you never liked her in the first lace, but she never took a hint). Sad story; She told me she cut herself thinking of me the other day. But I asked Cody, and he said she cut herself because of Eric. I don’t know what to think. I know I can be mean, old hearted, annoying, and bitchy. But you still put up with me. ♥ I love you more than you will ever know (I don’t remember where I heard that from, but I’ve heard some one say it) Anyway. I love. And I really mean it. ♥

  • 647330894

    I’m about to cry I miss you so much.

    I wish I could tell you how I feel..

  • 114017785

    It’s awfully scary to admit how much I really like you because I just don’t want to get hurt one more time.
    I think that’s why I’m trying to get myself pissed off at you so that I won’t like you and I won’t get into this again.
    But I’m pretty sure we’re basically together… and honestly, it makes me happier than I have in a long time.
    Please, God, don’t let this get fucked up.

  • 636211561

    Don’t feel bad when I ask you to choke me. I can’t come unless I’m thinking about being raped.

  • 753079179

    I just walked my drunken mother up to bed. She is a responsible woman and a wonderful mother, but once in a blue moon, she has a bit too much to drink and talks about her dad. She broke off connection from him long ago because he’s a perverted fuck and ruined her childhood. I’m a peaceful person, but I would put a fucking bullet in his head before I had any contact with him.
    Anyway, she told me that I may end up being the one who takes care of her when she’s older. She was very drunk and probably blacked out (she kept mixing up dates and ages) but I can’t help but feel like she’s right.
    I can deal with her drinking. She has never hurt anyone and is a successful, strong, employed woman who makes a good income. What bothers me is that times like these make me want to go far away when I graduate college. I have a hard time accepting that myself and I know I will always stay in contact with my family (they’re amazing people and I wouldn’t have it any other way) but sometimes I just dream of the day when I won’t have to deal with her pain.
    When her fucking father dies (shouldn’t be too long now: he’s been in and out of hospitals for the last year we’ve been told by my aunts) the pain will ease up intensely after a few months of her seeing how she can never rebuild a bridge to that horrible excuse of a man.
    Please understand I do not have depression. I am, in fact, a very happy person. This only happens once in a blue moon.
    Thank you for reading this.
    While I’m getting stuff off my chest, I’m 19 and have never reached first base.

  • 146053404

    i’ve liked you for so long.
    i’m so insecure around you…
    when you find the girl you want to settle for, your heart will be soaring with joy.

    mine would simply break.

  • 542641497

    If I ever see you again I will punch you in the throat, and then I will punch you in the cunt. Don’t.

  • 317711407

    It’s a good day when I’ve got one cut on my hip healed, one on my thigh almost healed, one on my bicep scabbed over, and one on the other thigh still leaking blood and lymph one week later. No new ones!

  • 85383245

    You were drunk, it’s ok. I understand.

  • 642929207

    You know. it is beyond me how someone can readily embrace “Being a bitch” or “Being an asshole” and live with themselves.
    A blatant disregard for others feelings or wellbeing? All because it gives you self-gratification of knowing people hate you?

    Why can’t you embrace being kind? Why can’t you make people feel good about themselves, and in turn, have that improve your spirits? Are you really that selfish?

    Maybe if people started loving a bit more and putting the feelings of other people even the slightest bit up on their list, she wouldn’t have shot herself.

    Right in the temple. It was a magnum. She had no chance. She was dead before she hit the ground. And you scoff and roll your eyes and say “It’s not my problem.”

    You cunt. It will be your problem when I rip your skin off and bleach your still bleeding muscles. Then rip your teeth out so they’ll never identify you. It’ll be your problem then.