
  • 512722703

    everytime i try to get away from my race they always try to drag me back into their black misery. i hate being black

  • 824986302


  • 631778268

    If they get to college I will at least feel I did a better job than my mom did with me. Push forward.

  • 81746019

    damn! i really hate my dumb boyfriend!
    he has like no brains at all…n he is so cheap!
    i don’t even know why i am stuck with him!
    eeewwww….he is a cheapster!!
    i don’t know what the hell i was thinking when i accepted that i like him!!
    i am like so ready to get out of this mess yet not so ready i mean he is soooooooo yucky!!
    i mean not looks wise but mentally, intellectually!!
    he is like very stupid…i m sooo embarrassed to accept him in front of my friends!!
    get me out of here!!

  • 791577082

    I constantly feel like I am failing. I fail as a wife, a mother,and a person even. Oh, you’re thinking “another house wife bitching when they have it good” but I wasn’t always this way. I was independent, self sufficient, maybe even going somewhere with my life. Now, I see that my life hasn’t turned out how I wanted it to and I am miserable because I can’t accept it. I can’t accept it because I know if I do, it’s game over for me. It means I am settling when I wanted to be greater. I have to accept that I am always going to be an average person with an average life. No, I am not saying that average is terrible, but I always feel like it wasn’t meant for me. I am kicking myself in the ass for being such a poor decision maker in these last years. I’ve lost my will to think on my own, and act in a manner that matters to somebody.I know I just have to suck it up and be somebody or just be me, how I used to be, if you’ll let me…I don’t know why I can’t be happy.

  • 563317944

    I’m still in love with Rob.

  • 558472093

    I wish you would find someone else and disappear out of my life. Your right, I dont want to be the bad guy and dump you. The more I am with you, the more I hate myself. You really deserve better and you know it. So please go…

  • 236897323

    I want to neighbors with my friends and raise our children together. I feel like laughing in people’s faces when they say their goals are things. I guess you guys didn’t catch that joke.

  • 669255517

    I have to get you out of my head I can’t get a frickin thing done! I have school, kids, and a husband. All I’m doing is sittin here missing you. I wish I could slap myself and say get it together damn it!

  • 979584720

    This is an opportunity to start fresh and new. Seize it. There is no going back across burnt bridges. I will always love you but this is the end of our journey together.

  • 809025415

    Hmmm, you know what? I’m completely straight but the next time I’m screwing a busty chick I’d really like another one to do me from behind wearing a big ol’ strap on. Not exactly the kinda thang I can tell my wife. Oh well…

  • 568210197

    After having a few girlfriends, when I was 19 I saw an escort advertised who I thought was stunning and on a whim went to visit her. The sex was awesome and, after seeing her a few times decided to see some other hookers, for the variety. I’ve had regular girlfriends at the same time and kind of see working girls so I can have no strings sex with super hot women whenever I like. These ladies, I mostly go for women in their 30s – 40s (Milf types) have given me a stack of confidence and definitely made me pretty good at sex as my regular girlfriends have told me. I’m now in a long term marriage and in my mid thirties, still seeing these gorgeous escorts and having an awesome time. Do I feel guilty? No, because it’s not an affair, I can afford it and no one else knows about it. Oh yeah, and it’s great fun!

  • 322172290

    Do you love me? I wish I knew.

  • 292532107

    I wish my knight would finish polishing his armour and come and find me.

  • 775515144

    I miss you calling me beautiful.

  • 924902511

    you are so beautiful to me. or were. when we were together you had a very natural look going on. amazing brown hair, very subtle or no makeup at all. you seem to hate how you looked back then but i loved it. it was great. i saw your profile picture now and you are the complete opposite. everything i despise about “fashionable” women. awful blonde highlights. who knows how many layers of makeup that makes you look pale with blotches of red. like a damn clown. and i have to ask why! makeup is a disgrace to your beauty. if only you could see that. if only me telling you was possible

  • 142043827

    I have several Facebook friends that use it as a way to piss and moan about every little thing that is going wrong. For example, one girl actually took the time to post “I have a little case of the sniffles”. Are you fucking kidding me? Who CARES? Some of them post nothing but a constant stream of complaints. I can only thank God that I don’t have to live around most of them. If they are taking that much time out of their day to bitch on Facebook, you know damn well that everyone else within earshot has to hear that shit all day long. My confession is that I’d like to carve out the ovaries of these whiny chicks.

  • 302316879

    this is fucking ridiculous its only been 10 min and i fuckin miss her already! -___-“

  • 208805733

    i think i just did something really stupid by letting her go…


  • 164948517

    I tried to hang myself when I was eight. I made a shoddy noose out of the blanket from my brother’s top bunk. It didn’t hold my weight and I fell on my ass.

    I’m 21. I haven’t tried since. I’ve told myself that it’s not worth it, no matter how hopeless things might get. My life is far too good and I have so many people that I care about, and people that care about me, to just throw everything away.

    But every once in a while I feel like that confused little boy when nothing seems to makes sense.