
  • 732080612

    my standards have gone down soo much

  • 243435048

    I love bitchy girls.They’re not bitchy to normal guys like me, but I love it when they put douchebags, creepy guys and losers in their place. It saves me the trouble of getting stabbed and shot at.

  • 85759254

    I’m jealous of other peoples’ lives. I know everyone has their problems, but I’d rather their problems than mine….anything would be easier (for me) than this.

  • 753673038

    I’m sad and scared so often. I can be ok when I’m with people but it’s always in the back of my head. I hate getting sick…I’m sick at the moment, it makes me depressed… Iwant it to go away and I want to be healthy……..i have the worst health anxiety of anyone I’ve ever known…..why can’t i just live life in the moment and not be afraid 24/7 of what might happen. I try so hard but it’s like im fighting a losing battle. Why so sad.

  • 945513051


    I am so annoyed with myself for loving a guy that ignores me. This is so stupid.

  • 121587980

    I don’t think I can do it. I just want him 🙁

  • 414427411

    I hate this, and I hate you! You wonder why, well perhaps it has something to do with you considering yourself to be omnipotent all the fucking time. You never say I can do it, or let me give suggestions, I’ve always done it wrong in your eyes, and it won’t be right until I’ve done it exactly the way you would.

    Or should I say the way you wouldn’t? You fucking hypocrite. You would do just the same thing as me in the circumstances. Besides, you’re so fucking wrong all the time. You tell me that I will fail a subject, and I get the top grade possible. I actually follow your advice for once, and it’s not the advice that was wrong, it was the way I followed it.

    Just back the fuck off and get out of my face for once!

  • 777301162

    I’m so confused by you because you’re the first guy who’s ever been able to go on without me. I think that’s the only reason I still love you, oh and your abs. You have amazing abs. Regardless, I love you.

  • 470270902

    He’s my boyfriend. He’s my best friend. He’s my rock. He’s my everything.
    I love him to death. I honestly don’t think I will ever meet a man half as good as him.
    Yet I still think we need a break.

    We’re both young and I know that we’re in over our heads.
    We just need a little space so we can calm down and get back on our feet.
    I want you to know that I still love you, and this break changes nothing.

    I love you and can’t wait to become your wife once this all settles over.

    All my love,
    Future M Cubed.

  • 188243889

    This isn’t working for me very well. I hate him so much for making me love him. FUCK FUCK FUCK. Get out of my head.

  • 289491827

    I am so picky about guys it’s crazy…I am currently looking for a fwb (so I like sex so what?) but he has to be everything I want. It’s going to be fun interviewing them because there is so much out there 🙂

  • 415109230

    I actually really like the way Group Hug .us is written up there. I love Helvetica. Oh, how I love Helvetica.

  • 512112889

    Despite the fact that I am of the female gender, I absolutely love sleeping without a shirt on. I love not having my boobs covered up.

  • 928818142

    I’m the go-to person for whoever needs to talk or vent or a shoulder to cry on.

    My confession is that most of the time, I wish it were someone else. But today, I’m glad that person was me. You and J were both there; he already knew, along with only one other person. I only met you last week, and you told me about what your ex did to you, and what happened after that.

    I know I don’t know you that well, but you are absolutely beautiful no matter what, and your strength gives me courage to keep being the go-to person. K, you are so amazingly strong and you keep pushing on and on and don’t worry about the crap that life gives you.

    I love the person you are. Never change. <3

  • 583290782

    I am bored so I went on secondlife again and pretended to be a guy. In like 5 minutes I had 3 girls wanting me and offering slex. I am quite the secondlife stud.

  • 735486747

    I used to always wish I was pretty or cute. And now that people call me cute all the time, and guys hound me to date them, hell, some guy ever proposed to me, I kinda wish I was ugly.

  • 416520632

    i go on omegle/chat roulette and pose naked for other guys as they jack off to me to feel special.

  • 932732272

    i want to feel empty and void of emotion. this is what you did to me…

  • 382502064

    Best case scenario- he gives me the opportunity to earn his trust, forgets I’m a great disappointment in many areas, that I’ve nothing to offer him but compansionship
    Worst case scenario- he realizes he’s too good for me, and I agree and then there is nothing
    I’m steeling myself for the worst. But always, like the optimistic fool, I’ll hope he craves the good energies we can provide one another despite the mistakes I’ve made.
    And if one day he leaves me for another, I’ll suffer but be nonetheless grateful for ever having been allowed to share his Self. Because the money, the success, none of that bullshit matters. It’s the being.