
  • 652409920

    My ex girlfriend talked about her ex’s in great detail often & about her straight friends she wanted to have sex with. She spoke about how she thought we rushed into our relationship. After pursuing me for 3 years. I couldn’t cope anymore and had to leave.
    She was my best friend and now we don’t even speak. She got a new girlfriend one week after we broke up.

    I love you and miss you so much and wish more than anything that you could’ve loved me too. :'(

  • 701021806

    i have a confession.. im still in love with her.

  • 627293700

    I’m from the West but I work in a Middle Eastern country currently under martial law due to civil unrest. Most of my friends have left because of it and now I feel quite lonely, even though I know the unrest means I’ll be able to negotiate a much better contract in a few months.

    I pay for sex because there aren’t any available women here (7 Western men for one Western woman (usually married)). I masturbate a lot, too.

    I can’t leave this country because the money’s too good.

    I’ve paid for two ex-girlfriends to come over and stay with me. It wasn’t any better with them the second time, though. I was just more desperate and they were just more tolerant (because of my money).

    I’ve seen a lot of crazy shit here, though. The world’s such an amazing place. I hope I get to marry someone awesome eventually.

  • 947807660

    I don’t care anymore what you think about me. Feelsgoodman Go be bitter somewhere else. You don’t know half as much as you think you do, control freak bitch.

  • 823310767

    you lucky fucker, you deserve to be miserable not to have ANYTHING. She will figure it out.

  • 718883294

    Maybe if I cut my head off I’d feel a little better.

  • 387625814

    sometimes i miss being pretty.
    i’ve been on both ends of the spectrum…when i was healthy, i was really pretty. now i’m overweight and i’m fugly.
    but being pretty felt normal save for a few things:

    1) more creeps are attracted to you, or else men just become creepy around you
    2) you have less female friends; in fact, other girls will hate on you, isolate you, or make fun of you behind your back just because of the way you look. i even had previous friends do that to me out of the blue.
    3) guys start talking to you more
    4) you have to get used to catcalls, eyefucks, and men trying to manipulate you into dates or talking to them. that was the most irritating part, simply because i had to deal with sexist scumbags who had absolutely no decensy or politeness towards me. i am not a cheap whore. i’m a girl who deserves to be swooned– their exucse? they were born that way. omfg.
    5) i didn’t run out of breath as much when i walked long distances (LMAO), and i felt damn good because i was healthy.

    it’s number five that i loved the most. being healthy, FTW.

  • 22304469

    Maybe someday youll do this to someone who is dramatic, who doesnt care, who is immature, cruel and vengeful. Maybe someday youll realize what you really did, how much it hurt me and how wrong you were in doing it. I loved you so much just for being you, but it seems it was never enough. I dont come around anymore, I refuse to, whether you know it or not. I cant care about what you believe because I cant do anything about it, youll think what you want. Ive learned to keep all of this inside me thats where it belongs and where it will stay I dont need to let it out to anyone. Everyone I know still loves you as they should and they probably always will, ill never give them reason not to. I wish you all the best of everything in life, I always have, and whether you understand it or not I will always love you.

  • 741408004

    Sometimes I love the fact that I get to problem-solve all day. Sometimes I think my job sucks so bad that what I really need is a life transplant.

  • 891510413

    i HATE it when pretty people bitch about how pretty they are and how hard it is to be pretty. STFU!!! I’m not ugly, i’m average, but you know what pretty people who bitch about their looks piss me the hell off!!!

  • 996370197

    Even though we were only together for a few weeks, those were some of the best weeks of my life. I can’t help but think about you. I love and hate you at the same time. I broke up with a buy I had been with for over a year and a half, just for a few weeks of lust. I hope you and mary jane last forever.

  • 244883336

    All I want is a woman who will love me for who I am and not try to change me. I’m not bad to look at but I’m kind of lazy. Okay really lazy, but I have a kind heart and I love stupid things like cuddling and staying home watching movies. I’d rather play video games then go out to a bar. I’d rather smoke a bowl and stay home then go get wasted with guys at a strip club. I guess I’m lazy and boring too. Now I’m 36 and I am pretty sure I’m too old to ever have anyone fall in love with me again and I feel incredibly alone. I don’t think she exists, so I wish I could just stop thinking about it.

  • 131864297

    I was on facebook looking at old classmates when I stumbled upon some who’s profile was open to public and couldn’t help myself but see how much their lives have improved for the better. It seems their having a good life, and I’m stuck here feeling sorry for myself. I feel depressed now because of it

  • 10771257

    I’ve stolen money from my friends (about $300) and uncle (about $500). It’s been about 4 years since that. But I always feel a sense of guilt towards them. I stole money and chocolates. I was about 12 years old and now I’m 16.
    I need a way to repay their money. And also I feel really guilty and ashamed of myself for ever doing such thing. I haven’t confessed to anyone about it. What to do?

  • 9135395

    I’ve had 4 loses all under a 6 month span. My ex bf, my friend from work, my sister and now my mom. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve this. :'(

  • 720507709

    I think I just got fired from my job, I needed it to keep myself busy. I broke up with my boyfriend of 6 years and am still not quiet sure if that was the right thing to do, I don’t have a family or anyone I can talk to anymore, and I’m quite the emotional eater – I feel awful after each time I eat too much. I’m feeling incredibly sad, alone, and depressed. Nothing is going right 🙁 I don’t remember what being happy felt like. Sometimes I visit this site to feel that I’m not the only one who’s having a hard time, and I feel guilty for it.

  • 307031363

    I am afraid of losing a bad influence. I care about that bad influence so much, but all of his toying…But, the gas prices have gotten too high….And I was a fool and didn’t even think of asking anything.

    I am a freaking idiot.

  • 173520790

    I older I get, the more I want a young guy.

  • 594203187

    I lost my virginity on Saint Patrick’s Day, I always thought my friends were stupid when they would say “I’m always thankful for my period, it means I’m not pregnant”…..I now understand what they mean…

  • 848341457

    I still have feelings for you, M.E. I think about you all day, even though I hardly know you. I miss talking to you – I’d rather just be friends than nothing to you. If you see this, drop me an e-mail sometime. I hope you know who this is if you read it..Hint: I drive a silver sports car and live on the east coast.