I seriously hate group projects sometimes.

All I need is one source. One more source so that the bitch ass teacher will fucking approve my bibliography already. She’s such a fucking prick. It’s impossible to find a source on our subject with her pickiness. And we’re researching someone that isn’t that well-known. I’ve managed to find two “valid” sources but I still need a third one. A group mate of mine said she’d email me one of her sources.

I email the entire group asking for one of their sources that was approved. I get one response. ONE RESPONSE. What did it say? That she’d email it later tonight. Wtf?! It’s almost 11pm. The class starts at 9am. I need the source NOW. And it’s just one fucking source. All someone has to do is use the magical “copy and paste” feature on one their sources and email it to me! It’s not like I’m asking them to write a six paged paper on the history of glue. I just want one. little. approved. source. Is that too much to ask?!

Our thesis was created at the last minute too. And one of my group mates can’t type properly for shit. Impossible to decipher what she’s saying half the time.

I have a feeling that I should just do all the work. And I would too- If it weren’t for all my other classes and things going on in my life.