I’m Cutting again..
because i cant handle the pain i feel when people talk about their weight. I am not skinny and my best friend is like 100 pounds and i am like double that and she constantly complains about how fat she is and how she need to stop eating and that just makes me feel bad about myself. what she says makes me feel like I’m disgusting. And whats worse is that no one ever cares about how I feel. I act like nothing ever bothers me therefor no one ever bothers to ask. but the truth is, is that I have way more problems then all my friends combine. and i cant tell them because non of them will understand. No one will get my pain. They wont CARE about the pain I feel everyday.
Sometimes I feel to bad about myself that I cant get up. I just stay in bed and cry. I Wish I had someone to go to, to talk to about what i am feeling. but i don’t. I’m cutting again because truth is i missed that feeling. the feeling of pain that not on the inside. Its good to know that I can feel something other that heartache.
right now I feel like I wanna die i feel so bad. I
I know that some people have it worse. I get that, but right now, I cant even think of anything elce then wanting to die.