I moved countries to see a girl I met on the internet. I’ve been in the new country now and things were going okayish between us recently after almost never talking again. I saw her last wed and she agreed to meet me this tuesday. We had a full set of plans to go see our favorite band play yesterday. She agreed to everything.

Tuesday morning I begin my long journey to get to her, informing her of all where I was , which train or bus and how far away I was. I got no response. She continued to ignore me for 4-5 hours until I eventually arrived at her uni. Then she replied and said that she was ‘finished’ and I could do ‘whatever the f*ck I wanted’. Apparently the plans were off, but I had already traveled all the way to see her.

I rang the bell to her room in an attempt to talk to her, there was no response. I went back to the room I was renting on her campus. Next thing I knew, the campus security had found me and wanted to talk to me. They accused me of trying to get into her flat and that I was a stalker. I was not to leave my room. They returned twice in the night and told me that if I ever contacted her again they would inform the police. Early next morning they removed me from the university and told me I could never return.

Yesterday I went to see my favorite band live for the first time, alone. It was one of the first times I had seen a *really famous* band live.

I payed thousands of dollars to make it possible, and as I stood there watching them, I felt nothing but pain.

I’ve been accused of being a stalker, and no one will hear my side of it. I am stuck in a country for months where I am completely alone. I will never see or talk to the girl that meant so much to me and I feel like a complete criminal.