How come when you’re female and you help your boyfriend with something, they never give you credit? Like if you help them with something that’s really bothering them and it works, instead of saying thank you they backpeddle and say it was something else that helped them- not you. Doesn’t matter what it is- whether it’s the car, the house, the relationship- if you, the female, provide the fix and it works and helps, it gets blown off like a fart in the wind. I helped my ex run his business that was in trouble and came up with a lot of good ideas that really helped but when he talked to his buddies, he gave himself all the credit for coming up with them. I helped the next boyfriend in a situation that was very emotionally volatile and ended up surrounded by legal issues. He was very scared and went through a lot. It wasn’t pleasant but I understood he was very scared. While he admits he was glad I was ‘there for him’ he added ‘but I never ASKED you to do all that’. So, if someone pulls over to help you when you’re broken down on the side of the road- is that what you say to them? ‘Wow. I’m glad you stopped- but I never ASKED you to do that.’

I’m not asking for a gold statue in my honor but I am sick of being the one in the relationship that gets leaned on- quite heavily in some cases- and then having the guy dust off his hands and sweep it all under the rug like its some dirty little secret that he had to rely on the strength of ‘a woman’ to get him through because there’s some shame he wasn’t enough to do it on his own. Hey- we all need help sometimes. So what? Oh and- it would be nice if the favor could be returned some time instead of just looking at someone and calling them ‘crazy’ when it’s their turn to have a hard time dealing with something. It really lets us know what you’re about when you do that. It means you’re a taker- A USER. It means that you’re willing to take and never able or willing to give unless someone’s watching and it might make you look like ‘citizen of the year’. You’re a faker. A loser. And if that’s not you, you need to prove it by being a willing participant in the relationship you claim to want to be a part of. I’m your girlfriend- not your mama. You’re not my baby boy. You’re my PARTNER.