Im really so sick and tire of the same shit every weekend! I love you but I’m almost at the point where I can say enough. Pack my shit and go for good. We’ll gone through this episode thousands of times and tonite Im sorry but I dont give a fuck!!!

You’ve been complaining we dont go out and when we finally have a chance to go out you dont want to. You act so prideful and you choose to stay home. Well you know what I had bought the tickets and now there’re in the trash. I hope your happy cause never again will I get my hopes up about going out anywhere with you. Its useless.

I was so excited that we were going to have a wonderful night. And with your bitterness crush that joy I had. Well you know I no longer am allowing you to bring to this point anymore. I’ve had enough with you. Im no longer going to let you keep me in misery. I’ve tried oh how I’ve tried. I alwasy tired to understand that your pass is fucked up and that what the X did wasnt right. But Im not him, I never once treated you like he did. But I guess you like to be treated like that casue me being nice hasnt worked out at all , right. So I say good bye to all the niceness I had. I guess its right that nice guys finish last.

YOu want a jerk, So a JeRK I’ll be!!!