I dont burn bridges with people in my life people that I love that love me and I never have, I dont want to know anybody that does. Im not acting like someones friend all the while hating them for something they dont know about and still dont…at least thats what this feels like. I dont turn my back on anyone and let them go on thinking and doing all the things I ask that only a good friend would do. I dont forget a friend thats always been there that never once gave up on me. Good friends talk when theres a problem, when they tell you they know something is wrong because they care. Years of friendship of believing youre my friend actually means something to me. I have no doubt I love you maybe more than ive ever loved anyone and I always will. I never stopped being a good friend, never. You and your friendship means more to me than anything in the world. Did any of it matter. I dont know why I came back here earlier today, my words are never clear and its never helped before. Being here instead of talking face to face is wrong I dont do this anymore. Dont you get it…I love you and I miss you so fucking much. Yes, it hurts.