My day was amazing! After our cast party from the musical (4 in the morning), my best friend and I went to my house. We watched “But, I’m a Cheerleader” and ate pasta. Then we fell asleep in my bed, and snuggled through the night and into the morning. Then we went and saw Avenue Q, went out to lunch, and came back to my house and napped together. I’ve never felt more comfortable with a person. I love her so much :). Get this now, I’m not “IN love” with her; she’s just my best friend and i care for her so much.

The reason I’m confessing this here anonymously?

Her girlfriend thinks I have a thing for her. I admit i used to, but now I don’t. Lately her girlfriend has been extremely bitchy and hurtful. She has over stepped her boundary as a girlfriend into my friendship. At the moment I am not happy with her. If she were to here of our day she would probably get jealous and insecure. So if she knew about our day together in depth, she would flip a bitch on me.

Personally I do not care about her feelings when it comes to my friendship with my bestfriend. I’ve known her longer, and have been impacted by her much stronger, then she ever has or will be. I will NOT forfeit my friendship to PMS.

But all in all, I think of it this way. Girlfriends come and go, but strong friendships can last a life time. 🙂

Dear Bestfriend,
No matter what I do with you I am always happy. No matter where I go I always think of you. No matter who you date I shall always look out for your best interests at heart. Remember that night we had pie and watched the aurora lights in the sky? The conversation went a little something like this:
“Do you think it would be possible for us to stay friends for as long we live?”
“Of course!”
“I promise”
“I’m gonna hold you to that promise…”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
And after an amazing hug you got in your car and started to drive away, and I chased you in your car down the street. 🙂 That’s a night I wish to remember always.

Love you to bits and pieces,

~Batmanicorn <3