I met you on the internet. i think about you way too much. i still remember what date i met you, and i wanted to ask you out less than four days after that. I’ve never seen you in person. You say you’re into me too, but I can’t bring myself to believe it. I’ve known you for less than a month, but since I’d only known you for ten days, I’d been worrying more and more about if I would start to feel like I loved you, and that’s starting to become way closer to reality than I ever wanted. You’re literally the only person in the history of time to reciprocate any sort of feelings for me that I have for you. I hate whatever sort of power there is in the universe that thought it would be hysterical to put us close enough that seeing you would be a possibility, but far enough that it’s not a probability. I over-think everything you say and do and think too much about everything I say and do towards you, and the fact that we’ve stopped talking at least once every day scares the living hell out of me, even though even saying that in my head sounds so obviously like something so stupid to even remotely care about, especially given the fact that I’ve only known her for just over a month and a half, purely over the internet. Mostly, and this may be misogynistic or sexist or some sort of fallible view, but I feel like it’s stupid for me to be even feeling this many things simply because I’m a guy, thinking about a girl this much. I hope to god that you feels for me even the slightest fraction what I feel for you, but I have no idea how that’s even possible because of just how damn cute and amazing and adorable I think you are.