After 3 years of searching for work exhaustion and despair have overcome me. waiting through enduring lines at the government office for assistance just to be denied because my rational decisions of not giving birth to unwanted crotch fruit and coping with emotions correctly instead of filling my veins with manufactured happiness left me at an unnatural advantage.

” what are you doing here?” says the person with the government job abundantly supplemented with retirement funds, cars, houses, health care, power, and water which my tax dollars had funded when i was allowed an income.

“i’m not accepting these retail and food service job submissions because since you have a degree you can only apply for jobs that don’t exist anymore. i’m sorry but i’m cutting off your funding.”

standing and gazing across the remains of imbecilic time wasting sprawled across my room in grief, i cry.

i lived my life the right way, worked hard, took responsibility, and stayed clean the reward i received was homelessness.

wtf man, wtf….