I should be so happy right now, and I suppose I am, but now I’m starting to wonder.

I only have a limited time left now, and I want to spend that time with a boy I adore, but he’s so indifferent to me. It hurts. I hate how he’ll look over at me, and then just walk away and say nothing.

I should have taken up on his offer when I had the chance. Yet I was too scared. So inexperienced.

The funny part is that I know our relationship would have ended either because we’d eventually find we have nothing in common or that I was leaving to another state.

Despite that, I would have enjoyed my time with him. I wouldn’t have been able to regret the love I genuinely had (have) for this boy.

J.A. : you are a wonderful person, but you didn’t give me another chance.

And now it ends before it is even ignited.