i am falling very hard and very fast for a guy i am chatting with online right now. we know each other and are attracted to eachother but i just recently started seeing my ex and everything is so much more complicated than i wanted it to be because i want to be with this guy instead but i’m not a cheater. i’m just indecisive and a dumb teenager who thinks she can define “love.” individuals are just so lame it makes me sick. i just wanna crawl into something warm and die. the world would be better off without me. in fact i’m tired of just slitting my wrists out of boredom, i need to do it for real and stop pussying out of suicide. these guys will be better off without me, so will the world. this will be my last of 100 entries to this open wound in the world we call confession. good night my loves, sleep well for i will be sleeping in an eternity away.