sometimes i miss being pretty.
i’ve been on both ends of the spectrum…when i was healthy, i was really pretty. now i’m overweight and i’m fugly.
but being pretty felt normal save for a few things:

1) more creeps are attracted to you, or else men just become creepy around you
2) you have less female friends; in fact, other girls will hate on you, isolate you, or make fun of you behind your back just because of the way you look. i even had previous friends do that to me out of the blue.
3) guys start talking to you more
4) you have to get used to catcalls, eyefucks, and men trying to manipulate you into dates or talking to them. that was the most irritating part, simply because i had to deal with sexist scumbags who had absolutely no decensy or politeness towards me. i am not a cheap whore. i’m a girl who deserves to be swooned– their exucse? they were born that way. omfg.
5) i didn’t run out of breath as much when i walked long distances (LMAO), and i felt damn good because i was healthy.

it’s number five that i loved the most. being healthy, FTW.