I am not a whore!! I AM very passionate and driven sexually. I just want it to be in a relationship. Why is that asking so much? Call me old fashioned. Send me back in a time-machine. Whatever! Just stop asking to throw me in the sack if you don’t even have the balls to ask me for a date. You perverts sit around watching porno trash all the time until you don’t even recognize a real woman when you see one. Get your two minute jollies and go about your business wondering why you feel so depressed and lonely. Women have no respect for you. NONE. Any boy can play with his wiener. It takes a MAN to hit the off button and learn how to please a women. Not worth the trouble, you say???? How the hell would you know? Have you ever felt the ectasy of a healthy vibrant relationship? Ever?? The pond is full of worthless tadpoles. Hope you all croak!