I think I’m fucking cursed.

I’m builtt. I have a big ass and tits. my hair’s always perfect. my eyes are green, blue, hazel, yellow. tall..kinda skinny I guess..compared too how I used to be. my lips are like angelina jollee’s twins.

I’m loud, outgoing.
down to earth.
funny as fuck.
laid back.
open minded.
artsy as fuck.
if I hear anything on the radio with techno and high pitch squeeling behind audio voice..I turn that shit off.
I prefer nirvana and to get the led out daily.
I’m just a cigarette, pot smoking, crazy ass, fun, bitchh.
I don’t own anything pink. get the fuck over it.


EVERY SINGLE GUY I’VE EVER LIKED or “had a thing with” has NEVER stuck around and left me for someone else..someone who’s uglier or skankier or just..more disgusting.

I’m never the one leaving them. not because I’m desperate. because I settle alot..and I’m respectful enough not to break someone’s hurt and try to make it work with them..

I don’t understand it..
what the fuck is wrong with me?

I’m just as good as them..if not better.