One day, when I was still in Junior High School (late 1960s)while I was walking past the woods, I heard a bunch of voices in the woods. I snuck in, hiding from view, to see what was going on. There was a bunch of older boys loitering and goofing off.

After a short time I realized their attention was focused on an area of the ground blocked partially from my view by logs and bushes. Soon it seemed that there must have been a girl on the ground there and they were taking turns with her. I did not hear her make any sound, but it was clearly what was going on.

I wanted to go over and stop the boys from what they were doing, but there were 8 or 10 of them and they were all older and bigger than me; I was too afraid to confront them.

I was also very afraid I would see the girl and that she would be my sister, disgracing herself either voluntarily or under the influence. This was a terrifying thought that was more of a deterrent to intervening than fear of the boys.

Reluctantly I decided to leave. It was such a long time before I got home that I figured everything was long over, so I did not mention it to anyone; until now.

I remember it so clearly, it is as if I am watching it all happening in front of me right now.

Whoever the boys and girl were, I hope they have all recovered from that evil event; especially the girl.