I met you at the absolute worst time of my life. I was at our friend’s house, half naked on their chair, sleeping. You just stood there staring down at me, with this look of pure lust and desire… You looked so strong and sexy and so much like everything my ex-husband wasn’t. Yet you made me think you weren’t interested. And now, well…

6 months later and I still feel the same about you. My heart flutters when I’m near you, I get tingly and long for you when you touch me. You getting undressed to climb into bed @ night is the high point of my day. Its been 6 months, and yet it feels like only yesterday.

I’m 4 months gone with your children… Twins. You’ve been more excited about these two completely and utterly unplanned and surprise children then my ex ever was about ours. You’ve accepted my children into your heart, stood beside me in my divorce, helped me to fight for custody of them. You love me, our unborn children, and them almost equally.

Now, we struggle to find a new home, to find work, to pay the bills. But we struggle together, and you are there for me.

Which makes this confession so hard for me. How can feel this way about you knowing that I’ve slept with your best friend? Not just once, but four times? And that even still, given the opportunity, I probably would again?