i had to take a moment to put down what i feel. i miss you. the real you. the kind, gentle, affectionate, loving you. i miss your hands on me and your breath on my neck. even though we see each other i miss the intimacy we shared. we were complete, you and me. we were magic. im still in love with you but i love myself more. i wont let you hurt me anymore. i deserve better than crumbs. you once told me to never make someone a priority when you are only an option to them. well, i have made you a priority, but you are now treating me like an option. i will be here for you if you need me. you are my best friend and i am yours. im sorry for hurting you. so very sorry, but you can not punish me anymore. i am in love with who you were and how you made me feel and you are not the same person anymore for me. once your arms were a place of refuge and now you hurt me. ill never be able to tell you goodbye in person, so this will have to do. true intimacy can never be replaced with “safe”. im letting go T. i tried so hard, but when i left your house last night and looked into your eyes i realized that i could no longer see the man i fell in love with. im here for you…just not as your lover anymore. thank you for waking me up and setting my soul back on fire. thank you for your love. im eternally grateful to you. i wish you all the best in life and love.