And I’m falling for you. Hard. And your 14 years older than me. An your married. Plus you have a little girl on the way. I’ve never felt like this about someone. Why must the perfect guy for me already have the perfect family? It’s killing me. My heart vs my brain. The universal dilemma. You flirt with me too. Is that just insecurities, kindness – or do you somewhere inside you feel the connection we have? I need to know because this unrequited love is killing me. I think about you always. Go out of my way to constantly see you. And when I’m not with you I’m constantly thinking of witty conversations I can have with you to get your attention. And then I always forget them. You told ne today that my smile kills you. You told me today that you havnt met someone who you can talk to like me. God if you only knew how hard and fast I’m falling for you. Why is it always the ones you want you can t have? And the ones you have you don’t want. Always seems to be te case for me. I told you about my sister. I never told anyone about that so quickly. Im on a work contract. My work with you finishes in a month and after that I’ll never see you again. Clocks ticking ….