you know, honestly, you can just fuck off
you tell me that people are saying all this bad shit about me but it’s just your bitter negative ass interpretting that way?
thanks for making me so anxious i shake
i haven’t done that for nearly a year and you can fuck off for reminding me about that
love how you can text me about the dumbest fuckin shit like how you want to get fucked up and how bored you are and asking me whats up twelve times in a fuckin row but you can’t get back to me on this
i wish i had another place to stay because i’d rather be anywhere but around you this week
and yeah i can admit it, i only hang around you because i fucking hate being in my room alone and i want your drugs
that’s all you’re good for
you’re so stupid
and you whine so fucking much about the most insignificant bullshit
i fucking hate you