Some people are just not meant to be friends. I am glad you are leaving. I did not want to admit how much like him you really are. I handed you the power to make me feel better about myself, and you did until I stepped out of line. You would lift me up and help me back on my feet only to brutally knock my feet back out from under me with your hateful, hurtful words. I am not some dog you can expect obedience from. It’s ludicrous to think you can tell me who not to speak to. I am a living breathing (and beautiful) person with a mind and abilities all my own. He nearly destroyed that and now you add your assessment of my worthlessness to his. Little do you know that I do still have other men (and women) in my life that respect me and believe in me? I don’t cling to you because I need you. I reached out time and again because I saw value in you, but it’s not worth losing me over. I don’t deserve that. I am not angry with you. You are who you are. I am angry with myself for my unwillingness to accept the truth. The changes in me are only the beginning. There is too much beauty in this world to wallow in someone else’s valuation of me. I know who I am and I know when I have had enough. Tomorrow is going to be a good day. I have had it planned. It has nothing to do with you, nor will I change it because of you. I have come a long way and I think I am beginning to find happiness. I really do wish you only the best.