I have learned the true meaning of tenacious and resilient. I have lived them. Lately I have felt like I was running on “E” in every tank, but what never ceases to amaze me is how little it really takes to make me happy. *One small luxary for myself. Saved for, purchased and so much enjoyed. *Psalm 68:6 “God sets the lonely in families”. I lost mine, but has he not replaced them two-fold or more?? *Provisions for the plans ahead. So many things already fallng into place. *One act of kindness and a smile from the one I love can immediately turn my day from bad to good. *Challenges trained for become worthy of victory dances… Life can be good. I will be okay because I know I am loved, even when I question why or feel unworthy. I am growing stronger. There are some things I need to say goodbye to. Some have been good for me, some not so good(unreality sites, alcohol, etc.). They were for a time and a season. For some things, it’s not goodbye forever, but goodbye as they now are. I need to make some things more and some things less. Hey, by-the-way, have you ever noticed that I glow in your loving care?? Just curious.