I saw your car tonight. Ever since you sold it a month ago I have been looking at every car I’ve seen of that make and colour to see if it is yours-to see if it has your bumper sticker on the back. And the funny thing is I wasn’t looking tonight, and there it was. Kind of another symbol of how we are over. That car that I know so well and have so many memories in is now someone elses and you have forgotten all about it, don’t care about it anymore. You are no longer mine and you don’t care about me anymore. You hve a new car that I’ve never even seen or been in, you are creating new memories that I’m not a part of. I wanted to text you tonight and tell you id seen your old car-I thought you’d like it, that you’d be interested. It’s something I would hve done if i’d seen any car that used to belong to a friend. But we’re not friends. After everything we’ve been through and how you promised you wanted to make our friendship work-you just couldn’t be bothered. So I didn’t and won’t text you. I’ll be sad about it, but I’ve tried for over a year and it’s all been taken for granted. Instead I’ll satisfy my need to tell someone by coming here-and you’ll never know.