I almost cheated on my girlfriend. I was talking with someone and ended up flirting heavily and getting pretty deep, but I didn’t keep it up, and I stopped before I got too far.

It was wrong of me, and I apologize. I love my girlfriend and I hope to marry her when the time comes. I don’t want to ruin this relationship, so I won’t let it come to ruin.

I love my girl so much and I didn’t want to betray her trust, but I was so close to actually cheating on her. So I feel terrible, and I should. I just know that I’m not going to let myself do that again. I want to be the best man I can for her, and me letting myself get lusty and stupid just hurt.

I just feel horrible right now. I’m glad I did not go all the way with this other person and I’m glad I kept it in my pants, but I’m not glad that I started it. I cut off all contact with the other person. So I’m just going to keep it together with my girl and treat her like the woman she deserves to be treated like.

She definitely does not deserve to be betrayed by me, so I will not betray her any longer.

I know some people will think badly of me because I started out, and I don’t really blame them. I just want it to be known that I love my girlfriend very much and my struggling doesn’t cause me to love her any less. Which is why I have confessed here and have made this solemn promise here for the sake of my life and my love.

To my girlfriend, I apologize for my wrongdoings and hope you can forgive me. I love you so very much, and I will do all that I can to make this work for us. I promise, there will be no more tears shed because of me.