Fuck you. Lying asshole. You’re no good for anyone or thing. You manipulate, you lie, you cheat, you abuse. I know you weren’t telling the truth. That doesn’t happen to anyone. Maybe if you hadn’t been so goddamn fucked up I wouldn’t have gotten into this. If I hadn’t met you I would have just stayed with him, both gone to college, both get good jobs and not be lonely. Now I’m going alone, I have no fucking clue what’ll happen, I won’t know anyone at my college. I go to him because he makes me forget, makes me escape. You’d love it if you ever heard me say this because you’re a sadistic fuck. You say I don’t know anything about you? Trust me honey I didn’t stay with you that long and just sit on my ass, I analyzed you. My veiws were skewed at the time but since then I’ve come to realize you’re just a terrible person. I know you only got with her because you knew it’d hurt me. And it’s funny, some people I really like would be considered terrible by others but you’re the only person I know personally that I would also call terrible. There were reasons the others had that led them to do something considered bad, but you? You are just fucked up in the head. I hate you and I want my damn money back. If I ever found out you went on one of my sites I will not hesitate to tell her everything you did to me. The only reason I haven’t is because he told me not to, to let her find out on her own since she killed my trust.